Do 1st Impressions Really Matter?

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Blake's POV:

He was nervous and he hoped that it didn't show. Standing outside of the classroom door he tried to quell his nerves. I Am My Character! I Am My Character! The mantra repeated through his mind. He prayed that things went smoothly. Taking a deep breath, turning the handle, opening the door he walked into the room. Conversations continued but ceased the moment they noticed him. It was eerily quiet and that is when the awkwardness began. Scratching his beard nervously he surveyed the many faces in the room.

All eyes were on him accept for one student who was reading a book. Interesting. His eyebrow rose as he gazed at her. She had curly red hair and mocha brown skin. Very interesting. He was used to being stared at but being ignored was something new. Not that he was conceited but he was used to the lustful gazes of women and some men but he wasn't fine with it.

He was secure in his sexuality not to be offended. He wasn't stupid he knew who his fans were. Who went to see his movies. Even in a business where his looks were what made him money he was still a little shy at heart. Truth be told he didn't expect to get those same looks from pubescent teenagers. Naive right well in high school he wasn't exactly Mr. Popular but he wasn't a nerd either.

He was just there. In the middle. On the home coming court and president of the debate team. He was also in the school drama club and Glee club. It wasn't like that show Glee. He didn't get slushied or thrown into trashcans because he was a big boy. After working and living on the farm he grew to be a tall and well built guy.

"Strapping" is what his momma called him. After he left the farm he joined the Y and continued to exercise . Swimming became his passion. Swimming and doing his own stunts is what keeps him in top shape. He knew that his body was appealing. He had many of women who have admired it over the years but he wasn't cocky. He knew that more than his looks would be needed to survive high school all over again. This time the tables were turned.

From the hungry looks in some of the girls eyes he prayed he would make it out alive. Clearing his throat he walked to the black board. Writing his name on the board. In a clear voice he began. "Morning guys my name is Mr. Avery and I will be taking over for your other teacher." He was met with silence but he could see some girls giving him the look. You know the look that said I want to fu**.

Sighing, he ran his hand through his hair. Walking over to the desk at the front of the class he sat on the edge of it. "This is my first time teaching so please bare with me. How about we get to know each other. When I call your name tell me your age, and 3 things about yourself." Standing up he walked around his desk and sat in the cushioned swivel chair. Nodding his head he called the first name. The first student began. She stood up and began to speak. He looked at her.

Blinking he couldn't believe students dressed like that. Then again while living in LA he'd seen all kinds of stuff. Even though she was wearing the required uniform her skirt was too high, her shirt too tight, and unbuttoned. He could see her hot pink bra. She stood there in 3 inch designer wedges twirling her blond hair that had pink highlights. Seriously!

"I'm Tamera Hayz and like the color pink..." He could see a pink tongue ring in her mouth. Wasn't that against school regulations? Momentarily distracted he tried to pay attention to what she was saying. " at Gucci and hanging out with my girls." She sat down popping her gum and winking flirtatiously. This was going to be a long eight months. Let the games begin.


Rua's POV:

Mr. Avery. Mr. Avery. Mr. Avery he's all right but it's a little too early in the game to see if he was more than just eye candy. I wish they would shut up! How long do I have to listen to bobble head after air head after clueless wonder prattle ceaselessly.

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