Chapter Fourteen

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That was the stressed-out voice of Vivian, K.C's sister. K.C spoke, "It's me"

Vivian's next words shocked K.C. "Who?"

"I don't know why my so-called siblings can't recognise the voice of their youngest brother." K.C said as he sank to his bed.

"I know it's you, saucy prick. You seem to have forgotten what transpired between us last Christmas. I haven't forgotten." Vivian's tone added more seriousness.

K.C sighed." I'm really sorry about that-". But Vivian cut him short. "It's okay, just head straight to the point. I need to get back to my night shift."

K.C took every word he said slowly. "'s case know, reached a very critical stage. We don't know if this is the end for him; the bottom line is, we-you, me and Ikenna-need to be by dad's side just in case......" His voice trailed off. Vivian was seemingly silent on the other line, until he heard her voice break the line. She was crying.

"Look, I know this is hard for you-"

"Of course it's hard for me!" Vivian said with a tear-filled voice. "That'll leave me with no parents. I mean, Jesse just proposed to me, and neither Jesse nor our unborn child will ever get to meet Dad! His father in-law! Dad's grandchild... This is..this is so bad..." Her voice trailed off. K.C said nothing. He was speechless, deep in thought.

Vivian is pregnant. And she's getting married.

"K.C? K.C can you hear me?" The tears in her voice had reduced.

K.C replied. "Yeah. I'm still here."

"I'll be in Nigeria by Thursday night. We'll go to see dad on Friday. I'll get through to Ikenna."


"No." Vivian said. "I should be thanking you K.C. And I'm sorry I never called you. It was very bad of me."

"It's okay. Safe flight home." K.C said, cutting the line. He dropped his phone and stood up. He moved to his balcony and gazed into the constellation above. Then, he remembered when he watched the news of his mother's death on TV, nearly fourteen years ago.

It was a very rare afternoon. 13-year old K.C was sitted beside his dad on the sofa in the living room. They were watching TV, CNN to be precise.

"I know it's unusual, you and I spending time together." It was his dad. K.C clearly didn't like the channel.

"Just calm down. This current news package will come to an end soon. When are you finishing your BECE?" His dad said.

"Next week Thursday, dad. After that, we'll have our four-month-long holiday." K.C said with a glint in his eye. His father smiled.

"You just can't wait to join your mother in Canada." He said. Suddenly, a phone rang. It was his."Help me with my phone, please?".

K.C stood up and ran to the dining table where one of his father's phone rested. He picked it up and ran back to the living room.

"Dad. A man named Mr." K.C's voice trailed off. He had difficulty pronouncing the name of the caller. He slowed down with his words as well as with his pace. He looked up to see his father standing, looking agitated.

"Dad? What's wrong?" K.C asked. His eyes fell on the screen. It was a breaking news feature which read:

Canada-bound Nigerian plane crashes in the North Atlantic; 157 passengers on board.

K.C asked, "A plane crash? But-" At that moment his eyes were drawn to the aircraft name displayed on the screen.


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