Chapter 7

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I awoke to my alarm and a loud groan.

"Why do I do this to myself?" I heard Lucy ask herself resignedly.

I dragged my eyes open and stretched, trying to rid my head of the awful pounding taking place there.

I grunted in agreement. My second day of university and I'm hungover. Great, just great. Hope pulled herself to her feet and began to get ready. The rest of us didn't move. I snuggled further into my pillow and quilt, trying to go back to sleep. I closed my eyes.

"Hey," I cried, as Hope dragged my quilt away from me. I still didn't stir, so she took hold of my ankle and heaved me from my bed until I landed on the hard, cold floor. That woke me up.

"I hate you," I muttered sleepily as I pulled on my cream jumper, jeans and boots. I positioned y hair so that it would cover my eyes. Kate and Lucy eventually crawled out of bed and dressed themselves.

We were just about to exit our dorm room when the bell for first course rang.

"Great, just great," Lucy sighed. "No breckfast," she groaned.

"It's probably a good thing. I don't know about you, but I couldn't handle the smell of the food," Kate told us, grinning behind her dark sunglasses. I let my chestnut brown curls cover my face even more, protecting my celery green eyes from the sunlight.

"Well, I've got English, so, see you all later," I waved goodbye as Kate and Hope walked away from us, Lucy just linked her arm through mine.

"I've got English too," Lucy explained to me. I nodded.

"Someone to keep me sane," I joked and she giggled. We walked into the classroom and groaned. Around the room was tables of four. Everyone was already seated, and there were only two seats left. On James's table. We sat down slowly as our English teacher entered, swishing her skirts and dancing around tables. I know, weird right.

"Nice to see you again Sexy," James greeted, addressing me. I just rolled my eyes. "Well, not so beautiful as usual, but still pretty," James amended.

"Well, I don't look like this all the time, you on the other hand, were born like that," I reminded him.

"That hurts, really, I'm wounded," he told me, holding a hand over his heart.

"Good," I said simply and Lucy grinned at me, holding up her hand for a high five.

Our mystery teacher then started talking, her chirpy voice and actions reminded me of a bird, and an annoying one at that. She started harping on about effort and how if we didn't try our hardest in this class then we would be punished. I know, sounds like Halloween.

"James, describe Mae in one word," she told him. The whole class then stopped talking and listened. He looked at me, his topaz blue eyes pierced my soul as he examined me.

"Special," he told her, passion is his eyes. His answer surprised me. I expected him to say something jokingly, like sexy. I did not expect that.

"Mae would you care to reciprocate?" Our English teacher challenged me. A million words flew through my head, most of them scathing. But after his reply, I couldn't say something that mean.

"Arrogant," I told her. It was the most truthful reply that wouldn't hurt him I could think of.

"Lucy, can you describe Luke?" Our teacher asked, gesturing to the boy sitting next to James. I had been so involved in the lesson, I hadn't even realised that Lucy had been staring at Luke the entire time.

"Dreamy," Lucy sighed. I gagged, her tone of voice so sickly sweet that if I didn't know her, I'd think that she was faking it.

"Luke?" Our teacher asked yet again.

"Captivating," Luke smiled. I gagged. Love-overload-does-not-compute. James grimaced at me from across the table and I grinned. It felt like we were friends for a minute, but then everything came crashing down as he smirked at me.

"I can describe James in one word," an unfamiliar voice from behind me called I looked toward him and saw a raven haired, black eyed boy. "Jerk," he told us, smirking.

Instantly, James was out of his chair and he tackled the boy before they both went crashing down to the ground.

Ohh, some actual romance in this chapter. I almost wanted to throw up as I wrote the part between Luke and Lucy. Yuck!

Green Eyed Girl

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