Chapter 2

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Hey guys it's Lexi! (T-Lex) Sorry for the painfully long wait for the second chapter of Misunderstøød, Ali-sAAn and I were having some trouble deciding where we should take the story and if we should continue with the series after a brief talk it was decided that Alison wouldn't continue to write the story because she has many great story ideas! So be sure to look for books on her personal account, I'm sure they're gonna be AMAZING!!!! Anyways without further ado here is chapter 2! ~ T-LEX


*CC's POV*

I woke up again, not that it matters whether I'm alive or not, smells of pancakes floated throughout the air and I could hear Dylan's laughter from the kitchen, which was odd considering she would barely talk any more. I lied there in the cramped bedroom with two queen beds and one mattress on the floor where Scarlet would sleep. Katty lied on the other bed sleeping, her snore more than noticeable. Arielle would sleep next to me and Dandy with Katty. Dylan got her own room with Violine, that cute little sweetheart, but she always slept with her daddy so it was kind of like Dylan got her own room. Dylan's laugh was louder now and was echoed by a male laugh which startled me at first because it was too high to be Kamrock.

My phone buzzed lightly, I lifted up the phone to see who messaged me and paused looking at the name, Harry had texted me. I locked the screen watching it go black and setting it back onto the wooden table. I lied there staring up at the plain ceiling listening to the multiple buzzing that came in faster and faster. Soon the messages stopped and they turned into calls my Marina and the Diamonds ring tone going off like a broken record.

I turned to my side, overwhelming tears filled my water line and overflowed onto my cheeks. My faces filled with wrinkles while I tried to keep the pain from showing and the droplets from falling, for once I would try to be strong. I bit my lip to keep the whimpers from escaping because the last thing I wanted was for anyone to hear me crying.

I sat up slowly to keep that wave of dizziness from hitting me. I looked in the shitty old mirror on the wall my rainbow curls knotted and sprawled on my head I whipped the tears off my face and fanned it with my skinny fingers sighing. I walked through the tiny hallway of the one story flat to the kitchen to see Dylan at the stove and Louis standing behind her his arms wrapped tight around her waist. The rest of the girl's, including Violine were sitting at the bar in front of the stove watching them with smiles stretching across each of their faces.

"You're not doing it right love, you have to wait until it's cooked to turn it over"

Louis instructed playfully resting his head on her shoulder, she sighed cursing under breath because she was never good with food especially in the morning. The sight of the two of then made my blood boil I walked over to them and once they caught a glimpse of me the smiles faded away quickly and the room went dead silent.

I knew why, and I didn't care that old house was full of worthless and painful memories. I walked up to Violine smiling sweetly because of how cute she was,

"Hi Violine! Wanna go play dress up? We can play princess pirates like you like too!"

Her smile was hesitant which made my heart ping, but she slipped off the high chair and grabbed my hand pulling quickly to her room giggles slipping out as she ran, she was the only thing that could possibly make me happy, no one else could understand so having someone like me was a nice change.

*Katty's POV*

I sat up leaning on my left arm looking around the room once again forgetting for a moment where I was like I did every couple days here. The car alarm down the street blasted throughout the neighbourhood, about four alarms go off at least everyday because Kamrock's house is right smack in the middle the ghetto in California.

Compton, I think it was called. It was a big area lots of crime, even scared me! And not a lot of things scare me. Arielle had just yelled goodbye when I slowly crawled out of bed and walked like a dead and decaying body to the kitchen.

Dylan smiled at me with a plate of pancakes before I could even say anything about food, I raised an eyebrow of why she was so happy, I would think she would be in bed writing. Her face got blurry as I focused on the male one slightly behind her, a small smile creeping onto my face as I took the plate of food and looked at it longingly but set them on the counter walking over to Louis.

"Heyy Tomlinson! How ya been? Having fun on your tour? Probably not because your girl wasn't there with ya,"

I tilted my head over to Dylan, she was twisting her blue hair in her long fingers. I looked around the room my smile settling a bit as I continued,

"Where's Zayn? He's here isn't he?"

What bothered me was that after I asked that question. No one would look me in the eye.

"Its just me Katty. They don't know I left, I'm sorry"

I was sad for a moment but I could always just face time him or call him, which I hadn't thought of doing before, which is kind of stupid that I hadn't.

"What badassery Tomlinson, and talk about romantic! Now if you excuse me I have a date with my one true love....pancakes"

I grabbed the plate and a fork from the run down looking white drawer and began stuffing my face with the light and fluffy food smiling. Zayn will come soon, I know it.

*CC's POV*

"Violine...I-I have to go. we can play later, ok?"

She smiled as I hopped up and skipped out of her room down into the living room, I had to scope the entire room searching for the keys, and when I found them I jogged to the car being swift enough that no one would see me leave. I jumped onto the hot leather seat of our BMW and eased out of the drive way and onto the road pushing on the gas.

The radio boomed some random music that was popular, but I tuned it all out thinking of Harry, my foot slightly pushing on the gas, why did he have to go and do that? Like always I get the rotten apple out of the freshly picked bunch. I had to get the untrustworthy one that would go and break my heart, like always. But whatever I'm one broken heart closer to finding the right guy for me....which, most likely doesn't exist.

I pulled into the empty parking lot hopping out my car grabbing my small clutch and slamming the door pushing my sun glasses over my face, the car locking behind me. I pushed open the door the smell and coconut and almonds floated around the white room. There was a short plump girl at the desk who smiled at my hair and then made eye contact.

"Oh you're very lucky today! We have no wait! You can take a seat right over there honey, I'll send someone over!"

I nodded my head walking over to the seat in the middle of the room looking at myself in the mirror on the wall, playing with my hair until a tall tan girl came over with a smile.

"So sweetly what are you looking for today? We have a 25% discount for all coloring? What are you thinking? A small trim, some layering, a re-color?"

I looked at my annoying colorful hair excited for the new style it will have soon.

"Dye it all black".


Hey everyone! Thank you SO SO MUCH for patiently waiting, everything has been very busy (I moved AGAIN) I promise everything will go back to normal now, a new chapter every Friday except this one of coarse...I posted today! Wish Alison luck with her new book!!!! it's gonna be brilliant!!!




Kisses!!!!!!! xoxo

~ T-Lex the Great ;D

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