Chapter 3

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                             I kinda promised a new chapter every single Friday and I'm pretty sure it's been about 5 months, and sorry for that I was in the car and realized that I loved writing this story and I was stupid to stop because school started and things got cray cray (forgive me for saying that) but I'm going to continue writing as much as possible! Thanks to all the Misfits who have been waiting!!! I love you oh so much. - T-Lex

*Dylan's POV*

I rested my head on Louis' lap our eyes looking into each other a smile bread onto his face. I ran my long fingers through his stubble that looks better on him each day I see it, I bit my lip debating on whether I should say what I was about to say...

"Why did you come back?"

He looked at me his eyes narrowed and his hand slowly covered my mouth and he let out a low 'shh'. I growled hopping up pushing his hand off my mouth.

"You of all people should know I don't like being told what to do".

A smirk spread on his face with his arm slithered around my waisted pulling us together like magnets but a slammed door soiled this long awaited moment between Louis and me. I looked to see who had entered and my mouth hit the floor,

"Silly! What in the bloody hell have you done to your hair?!"

I was in front of her in seconds gripping her thin black running my fingertips trough the knots, she yanked it back glaring at me with one eyebrow cocked.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know I had to ask if I could do what I want to my hair, and I don't remember needing to tell you every single thing I do"

I stepped back my hands up in a 'I surrender' stance.

"I didn't say you had to tell me anything's just a big difference to what you used to have..."

I said in a calm voice, I could imagine Silly, or I guess CC burning down a house but never would I have guessed she would do that to her hair...Rotten Skittles I thought looking at some small spots on her scalp where tiny bits of green and red showed up. Her face looked bored and as if on queue she walked to a different room. I looked at Louis pointing at CC silently flipping out, why would she do that? Is she trying to get our attention....if so she's got 100% of it.


I heard Katty scream obviously seeing CC's hair, not a second later she came storming in her face looked about ready to erupt.

"Did you see what she did to her hair?! What in the hell was she thinking!"

I was pulled slowly onto the couch and say on Louis' lap while Katty continued ranting her short hair flying around as she paced. I shook my head, I just wanna be with Louis I whined in my head. Like he read my mind he grabbed both of my hands wrapping his warm finger around mine like a bow on a Christmas present.

"Katty I think we should just leave her be, I think it's just her acting out so she doesn't have to think of," I lowered my voice "you know who"

She nodded and looked at Louis and I smiling then walked out. I sighed spinning around and planting my lips on Louis.

*Arielle's POV*

I sat across from Dandy at the white table in Starbucks watching her sip her fruit tea, it's strange cause in London Starbucks was for on the tea and here it was hard to get a Starbucks with tea, I wasn't really in any mood to be drinking or eating even thought it's about 2:30 an I hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch, thank god I got out of work early.

I sunk into the uncomfortable chair closing my eyes, it's tough watching over a bunch if kids all day, especially when you don't exactly get along or like children....or anyone under 15 for a matter of fact.

"You look beat Arielle. Just go home I can walk"

Dandy said sweetly in between sips I shook my head opening one eye and quickly closing it from the unexpected amount of brightness.

After 25 minutes of Dandy sipping and blabbing and me just listening we finally drove home and I didn't hesitate to go straight into my room and take a nap, today was a tiring day for me, which isn't normal. I turned on my phone and gazed sadly at my home screen of me kissing Liam's cheek and his smiled spread ear to ear. I missed him dearly but I knew just like Louis did Liam will come home....or to this crap apartment...and I still have no freaking idea of how I'm going to explain the shit that happened to my parents expensive beach house, I'll just save that annoying thought for later. For now...I must sleep.

*Katty's POV*

I woke up blinking confusedly for a couple minutes and looked at the clock, 3:26 a.m, great I got a brief one hour of shitty sleeping. I rolled in my bed for a good 30 minutes then finally sat up frustrated. I swung my legs off of the bed and swayed up walking dizzily towards the hall.

"Dylan...Dylan are you up?"

She rolled over scratching her head propping herself up by her elbow,

"Ugh...I guess. Mmm what's wrong?"

I picked at my fingernail remembering the time I first met Dylan.

"Can I lay with you....I can't sleep"

Without a response she moved over pulling over the comforter leaving an empty spaced I was to fill up. I slipped myself under the blanket and turned to my side whispering a thanks. She nodded groaning softy to show only about thirty percent of her was aware of what was happening.


I breathed trying to hide back a quiver, she turned to look at me her eyes open...or what we all call her 'motherly senses kicking in' I knew I had her attention.

"I-I miss Zayn. I miss him so much Dylan"

Her eyes softened and she embraced me in a hug so loving I began to cry. She stroked my hair while I heaved up and down the tears falling to her shoulder.

"It's n-not fair....Louis came b-back for you, w-why couldn't h-he come back for me?"

She held me tighter

"I don't know Katty, I don't know. But guess what...everyone in this house knows that Zayn fell for you Katty and he fell hard. He'll come back, and when he does he will never leave you again."

I slowly drifted to sleep with a smile on my face.

The song for the scene where Katty is with Dylan is called •Good Night Moon by GoRadio•

HEYYYYYYYYY misfits......I can't believe just today I randomly decided to continue after five months of leaving this book dormant. I hope you LOOOOOVE it with all you heart. I feel it's kind of pointless but I hope not. Love you all!!! xoxoxo T-Lex





Ily. :)))) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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