Papa & Earth

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The Earth ghoul always liked papa more than as a friend and he decided to tell him. And he did at one day when the whole band met two crazy girls. Earth said it but Papa did not pay attention to him because he was trying to kick these girls out of the room. So the Earth ghoul was really sad...

The next day Earth decided to ask Papa if he remeber what he told him yesterday. Papa wasn't sure what is Earth talking about and this made Earth even more sad. He decided to leave the room. Papa was really confused and then the other ghoul told him that Earth may have strong feeling for him... Papa felt bad that he did not noticed this earlier so he yelled at Earth "WAIT!" Earth has turned back at him.

"You are talking to me?" Earth asked and Papa nodded. "I though we should have a coffee together. What do you think?" The Earth ghoul was really confused because Papa have never asked him this before. Nobody ever asked him this. "Together?" He asked again.

"Yes... you and me." Said Papa but Earth was really nervous about the fact that Papa asked him out. "Uhmm... yeah... I mean... uhmm" he had no idea what to say. "You don't want to go, or?" Papa asked sadly. "I want to, but..." "But?" Papa raised his eyebrows. "I just don't want you to loose your time on me." He bowed his head and looked at his legs. "I am not loosing my time when I'm with you...." Papa said softly and the other ghouls looked at each other and they decided to leave the room.

The Earth ghoul sat down on couch and Papa did the same. But Earth was sad and he was still looking at his legs. "Earth... please tell me what is wrong." "I don't know... I just feel like you don't like me." He looked at Papa but just for a moment after that he started looking at his legs again. "But why? Have I done something wrong?" Papa said worriedly. "I mean... I am always behind my drumset and you... you always pay attention to other Ghouls." Earth was trying not to cry but it was really hard for him. "But you're as important as the other Ghouls, Earth..." Papa touched Earths shoulder but he took his hand back right after Earth turned his head to him. "Uhm sorry." Papa said quietly.

"My mum told me that without me there will be no rhythm in our music... but I think that you would be more happy without me in the band." He was really close to start crying but he stayed strong. "Your mother is right... I need you more than anyone else..." "Really?!" His heart started beating faster and as he asked that Papa get closer to him and said with his sweetest voice "Of course, you're my little drummer."

"I love you Papa." The Earth ghoul finally said it. He was really happy that he finally had the chance to say it. "You love me... as a friend or?" Papa asked. "What do you think Papa?" "Answer me, please, Earth." "I think I love you more than just as a friend." Right after Earth said it Papa started getting closer and closer to him. "I... huh..." he said. "What?" Earth asked confused. "I... think... that I have the same feeling for you..." "Really?" Earths eyes started shining. "Yeah." Papa answered with a spark in his eyes. Earth just jumped around his neck and started hugging him. "I love you Papa." He whispered into Papas ears. "I love you too my little baby."

They were hugging and then Earth said "and what now? Uhm... I mean... should we..." he wanted to kiss him but he was too shy to ask him. "Yeah?" Papa asked. "I don't know how to say it but I always wanted to... uhm you know..." he started to be really nervous but he did it. Earth kissed Papa and Papa laid his hands on Earths waist and then... someone knocked on the door.

Papa and Earth stopped kissing and confusingly looked at each other. Then Alpha came in. "Sorry guys... I lost my phone... again." "Huh... okay but... quick please." Earth said. "Ugh... where it is?" Alpha mumbled to himself. "Maybe you have lost it in another room. You should look for it there." Papa said but Alpha was convinced that he lost it in this room. But this was enough for Papa, he started to be upset because he wanted privacy with his little Ghoul. Earth saw that Papa is a bit angry so he took Papas hand and said quietly "Calm down, everything is fine." "Alpha, we will look for your phone and if we find it we will bring it back to you okay?" "No no no... i can find it by myself!" Alpha said while he was looking under the table. "Oh my god! Get out!" Papa shouted. "What's wrong guy?!" He asked. "Calm down Papa." Earth stroked Papas back and than said to Alpha "He is not feeling good. Just go, we will look for your phone." "Huh... okay guys, see you later." He said and left the room.

"You are the best drummer and friend that I know." Papa said giving Earth a little kiss on his cheek. "Friend?" Earth said sadly. "Or something more." Papa gave him a little wink and Earth laughed "May I kiss you?" He asked. "Of course my little Earth ghoul." Earth started kissing him slowly and deeply but suddenly someone knocked on the door, again.

They stopped kissing and Papa shouted "NO! Not again!" "Can I come in?" It was Alpha. "Come in." Papa said angrily. "I just wanted to tell you that I found my phone, guys." "Where was it?" Earth asked and Alpha was about to answer it but Papa interrupted him "GET OUT!" "Papa! Please." Said Earth. "I just wanted privacy!" "I am so sorry Papa." Alpha apologized to Papa. "Don't worry Alpha, just go now please." Earth said with his calming voice.

Papa was really upset but he didn't want Earth to know it so he kissed him deeply. "Please don't be upset..." Earth said quietly. "I just wanted to be with you, alone." Papa announced. "Ah... but you should not be upset now. I don't like to see you like this." Papa bowed his head just like Earth did before "I am sorry." He sigh. "What about a little smile? Can you smile for me?" Earth stroked Papas cheek and smiled. "What?" Papa was confused because he never smile. "Look..." Papas little Ghoul smiled with his teeth out. "Try it." He laughed. "Okay I will try for you." He was trying really hard and he did it. He smiled like he never did before. But it was a bit creepy for Earth because he never saw Papa smiling. "Ugh ... wow how beatiful." He said. "What? Isn't it right?" "No no! It's beautiful!" Earth said with his sweetest voice. "Really?" "I love it." Ghoul kissed Papa on his lips. "I think you should smile more often." "I will think about it." Papa smiled again.

"I love you Papa." Earth said and right after it Papa kissed him passionately.

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