Papa & Earth part2

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Earth Ghoul was looking at Papa who was sitting in the other end of the room. He was thinking about all the stuff that happend between them and then Alpha interupted his thinking, he walked in the room: "Hi guys!" He said with a big smile on his face. "Hello, what do you want?" Papa asked. "Uhm... nothing I a just bored. Do you want to go somewhere?"

"I am sorry, I am going to practice for our show tonight." Papa said "you should practice too." "I was practicing all day. What about you Earth?" He looked on Earth with enthusiasm in his eyes. Earth looked at Papa who just shrug. "Okay. Where are we going?" He smiled.

"I don't know, we can go to the city and see what they have here." Alpha smiled and they went out together. "Okay!" Earth smiled. "Hey.. What about Papa? What hapenned yesterday?" "Yeah... this. I wanted to say sorry for the way Papa talked to you." Earth looked down. "This is okay, I was really annoying. I am sorry." He smiled and then he asked again about what happened.

"We kissed." He answered quietly. "Wow! So it's true? You're together?" Alpha said with smile on his face. "It's not official yet." "Why don't make it official? You're cute together..." Earths eyes widened "Really?" "Yeah! You should be proud." Alpha smiled at him. 

"Aww thank you, but I don't know how to make it official." "I think you should talk about it with Papa." "Should I?" Earth asked uncertainly. "Yes go!" Alpha smiled. "Okay. I am going. Now. I am going to talk with him. I AM GOING TO MAKE THIS OFFICIAL!" Earth was really exited about it and then...

They bumped to really tall man. It was Air Ghoul. "Ugh, sorry." He said. "That's okay, what are you doing here?" Earth asked him. "You know... I was bored. You?" "He wanted to talk about something with me." Alpha answered. "About what?" Air asked inquisitively. "Can I tell him?" Alpha asked Earth and he nodded.

When Alpha and Earth told him about the relationship between Earth and Papa they all went back to the house where the band was staying before their show tonight. "I think you should talk about it with Papa." Air said to Earth. "Okay, I will talk to him and I am going to make it official-"

"Make what official?" Papa walked in the room and then he smiled at them.  "Uhm... you know... the thing." Earth started to be nervous. "You mean... our relationship?" "Huh." Earth mumbled. "Yes he is talking about your relationship and you Earth, you're welcome." Said Alpha and smiled at Papa. "Are you ashamed about it?" Papa asked Earth. "Who? Me? No, I am just..."

"What?" Papa asked with a sad face. "I just wanted to ask if we are now... together." His voice was shaking. "Do you want us to be together?" Emeritus asked again but now with a cute smile on his face. With the smile that Earth wanted to see. "Yeah..." Earth said quietly and then Papa slowly kissed him and said "So we are."

"Uhm... guys? We are still here." Alpha announced. "I think Omega is calling you, so you should go with him." Papa said. "I didn't heard him" Air said. "But I did." Earth smiled at him. "Ooo I get it. Privacy right?" Alpha winked at Earth and together with Air left the room.

Right after Air closed the door behind him Earth said to Papa "So you were doing something..." "Doing what?" Papa asked with a cute smile. He was smiling because he knew what he was doing but Papa wanted Earth to do it. "This..." Earth started kissing Papa.

"Say that you love me." Papa said with his deep voice with accent like he is from Transilvania. "Why? Uhm... I mean... huh." Earth was confused. "Because I want to hear you saying that." He laughed. "I love you Papa." Ghoul whispered into Papas ears. "I love you too Earth."

Earth started staring into Papas eyes saying "I love your eyes Papa." Then Papa took Earths hand. "I love your hands." And then Earth kissed Papa and said "I love your lips." Ghoul smiled like a little cute child. Papa smiled back. "Do you know what i can do with those lips?" He asked and kissed Earth again.

"I love you my little Ghoul."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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