06 - Water

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The bed is firm, yet not too much to make it hard to sleep. Unfortunately, Liz's back wasn't used to such a hard mattress and she was having a harder time staying asleep compared to everyone else. She was able to fall asleep quickly along with everyone, but her body continued to shift between dreaming and being half awake. 

Liz rolls over on her side, half awake, and let her right hand move towards the side of the bed. Ice cold water surprises her hand and the coldness jerks Liz awake. Her sleepy eyes snap open, concerned with the fact that her hand was just submerged in cold water before she had yanked it away. Her breath gets caught in her throat as she takes in the room they were sealed in. 

Water is covering about two feet of the room, nearly to the top of our beds. The drain at the bottom of the floor is the only way that water could even be coming in. Liz quickly pushes herself up in a sitting position and yell out to warn the others, "Eggsy! Guys!"

Eggsy is the first one to wake up, hearing the fear in her voice. His light above his bed is immediately clicked on and his eyes move towards his girlfriend to make sure she's okay before he realizes the room is quickly filling up with water. Everyone else wakes up just a quickly, all freaking out. By the time everyone is awake, the water has already risen to my chest. 

Liz quickly  jumps to her bare feet, standing up on the bed, which is now completely underwater. "What the hell is going on?" She shouts at anyone who will listen. 

Quickly, Eggsy jumps from his bed to Liz's, protectively wrapping an arm around her as he searches for a way to get out before the whole room goes under. 

"Okay, listen." Charlie commands everyone from where he stands on his bed, only dressed in the dark grey bottoms that everyone was given. "Everybody stay calm!" 

Liz stands on her toes, trying to see if there is any way out of the room through the ceiling, but everything is sealed shut. Adrenaline and fear pump through her veins as she worries about what is going to happen. There's no way a room would ever randomly fill up with water. This must be some kind of test. 

Charlie points over to the bathroom area. "Lose snorkles, lose snorkles." He says to everyone. 

Confused, Liz and Eggsy gawk at the boy, not understanding. "Lose snorkles?"

The water continues to rise higher in the room, already up to Liz's waist. She places one hand on the top of the ceiling for balance as water rises higher. If they don't find a way out of here, they are all going to drown. 

"Shower heads!" Roxy randomly shouts. 

"What? Shower heads?" Liz wildly glances around at everyone, befuddled. 

"She's right!" Charlie agrees with Roxy, completely ignoring the fact that Eggsy and Liz have no idea what is going on. "Go, go! Fucking go!" He motions for everyone to head to the bathroom area with him in the lead.

"Hey, what about the fucking door?!" Eggsy waves at the door as everyone swims to the other side of the room. 

"Shit!" Liz curses as the water rises high enough to make her tilt her head back for one last chance to suck in a deep breath. Seconds later, the whole room is submerged underwater. She floats down a little bit, kicking her legs to keep herself in one place.

Eggsy swims over to the door, leaving Liz by herself. In the opposite corner of everyone else, Amelia is feeling the wall, trying to find some way out. Eggsy tries to open the door with all of his strength. Eyes darting around the room, Liz sees the large mirror against the wall by the bathroom area. Her head whips back and forth between the mirror and Eggsy before she quickly swims over to the mirror.

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