Chapter 8

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Harrys POV:

Wow, KayLee looked beautiful last night she look absolutely beautiful!!! Do i like her or was i caught in the moment?!?! Her brown hair blue eyes sparkled in the light. she actually kinda looks like me what a coincidence

KayLees POV:

Louis and I are gonna go on a run up to william avenue and back to  winchester st which is 45 minute run and i have asma so gonna bring my inhaliar im gonna get dressed in a light blue track suit and bring a water bottle this is gonna be a great run!! 

Louis's POV: 

Going on a run with KayLee this going to be a great way to talk about stuff. "Louis are you ready yet?" yes im almost ready kayLee, i yelled from upstairs "Ugh hurry up!!!!!!!!" Im half way down the steps love calm down!! " your here lets go "  we are 10 minutes in the run and noone is tired yet KayLee is breathing wiredly. Um, are you ok KayLee?! " Need **Puffing out air fastly** Inhailer" she passed out onto the concreate i called 911 on my iphone 5 and i told them where we were and a ambulance came to get her i ran back home told all the guys to get in the car he and they did and they asked why and Niall asked "can we stop at nandos before we go somewhere" and i said NOOO!! we are going to the hospital "why?" they said at the same time because we are going to see kaylee she had a asma attack!! we are at the hospital and we asked the reseptionist if we can we see KayLee she said "kaylee who?" ummm we dont know her last name "ok well um tell me what she looks like! umm ok she has long brown beautiful hair and has a light blue track suit and she had a asma attack "ohh the pretty young girl" yes her!! she is in the ER " is she ok? asked harry "yes but she might not live through this proceedure do you wanna know her last name?!?!" Yss! we all yelled ok let me find her birth certificate k i said "ok her name KayLee mya Styles" "Wait what!! harry shouted "and the father is Des Styles and mother is Anna Cox styles!" ''OH MY GOD SHE IS MY SISTER MY DAD IS NAMED DES AND MY STEP MOTHER IS NAMED SABRINA WAIT DID MY REAL MOM DEVORSED MY DAD OR THE OTHER WAY AROUND OR DID MY REAL MOM DIE?!!" Hazza yes she did KayLee told me. 

Harrys POV:

Wow this is all happening so fast! I cannot think straight this is like mindblowing omgsh!!!!!!!! "Harry i think you think sit down down in the waiting room" Said Zayn, i looked at him and i went to the waiting room and i put my elbows on my knees and my hands on my eyes and just cried silently because i love KayLee and i dont want her to die i have to tell her she is my sister!!!!!! it is 11:11 it is time to make a wish i wish for KayLee to get back to health. i thought to myself a nurse came to get Me and Louis and zayn and niall and liam left. they are rude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she motioned us to KayLees waiting room she is awake but she will have to recover in the hospital for 1 week i tell KayLee she is my sister and show her birth certificate her eyes get wide and she takes off her oxygen mask and screams loudly and a nurse comes in to see whats wrong louis tells her she just screamed at her birth certificate the nurse looks him with anger and she walks away "ok well thatbwas awkward" KayLee are you ok? she holds her oxygen mask and says "yes but im weak and i cant belive harry is my brother!!!" well feeling is mutral KayLee i said with a smile " I dont remeber dad" I dont remeber  mum i said  "wait isnt Simon your dad KayLee" louis asked "umm i dont kn- Simon is are uncle, uncle Si. I said. "Wait then why do i call him dad then?" because i think mum didnt tell you who your real dad was Simon talked to Mum and Mum told him to act like dad so you didnt wonder" "wait how did you know harry?'' because Simon told me "when??" she asked umm when we left for our private jet he whisperd it to me "  how come you didnt tell me liam niall or zayn" You guys didnt ask...... "ohh but still!!!" Louis said., after me and louis kept arguing kaylee fell asleep! in guess she got bored me and louis walked out of the room and we went to see her everyday untill she got out of the hospital.

~~**** AUTHORS NOTE!!!!!!!****~~

                                                                          **CHAPTER 9 WILL BE DONE AROUND 2:15 :) :) :) :)**

                                                            ~HOPE YOU LIKED IT~                         


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