Jared Spurgeon Imagine 4 Payton

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Jared's pov -
"Payton I'm leaving to workout." I yelled, hoping she would hear me. I heard Payton yell back "ok".

Actually I don't even have to workout today, I want to surprise Payton with a nice dinner and a gift. Payton's been helping out a lot while I've been gone playing and I want to remind her how much I love her.

I asked Marco (Scandella) to help me out since him and Payton are close friends.

For Payton's gift I had no idea what to get her. So I decided the best gift would be a..

Payton's pov -
Since Jared went to workout  I decided to clean the house and do some laundry. I had just finished cleaning the house and now I was starting the laundry.

I was just about to push the start button on the washing machine when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered the phone not evening looking who called.
"It's Scandella Ella Ella aye"
"Hey Marco what's up?" I asked while pushing the start button on the washer.
"I was wondering if you want to go shopping with me?"
"When?" I asked.
"Right now!" Marco said in "duh" tone.
I looked around the house. Eh it was as clean as it was going to get.
"Yeah sure. Can you come pick me up?" I asked.
"Of course. I'll be there in 10 minutes."  Said Marco.
"Ok see you soon, bye." 
"Ok! Bye."

While waiting for Marco to pick me up I got my purse of the counter and my my shoes on. Marco pulled up in my driveway and I ran outside and got in his car.

"So where are we going shopping?" I asked.
Marco smiled and said "I don't know yet. I need to get some new clothes."
"Ok" I replied back.
"Where do you what to go?" Marco asked.
I smiled. "American Eagle is my favorite."
"Sounds good with me! I also need new sunglasses because it's been really sunny this summer."
"Yeah true. Maybe I'll just have to get some for myself also."

Marco got some clothes and then we both went and got ourselves some sunglasses.
"Hey Payton lets go in here" Marco said.
I looked up and realized it was a store with lots of dresses.
"Ok" I said.
"This is my treat. I'll by you a dress. I know you have been looking for more dresses and you haven't found any that you like.

"No it's okay Marco! I can buy my own dress."

"You want to know why you had no luck finding a dress before?" Marco asked smirking.
"Why?" I asked laughing.
"It's obvious! I wasn't with you. I'm the fashion friend that everyone goes to for fashion advice! And you didn't ask me for help."

I started laughing and went back to looking at dresses.

I ended up finding a dress and trying it on. It was beautiful. Marco ended up buying me the dress.

"So where do you want to go now?" I asked Marco while we walked out of the dress store.

"I just remembered I have a haircut. You should come with and get your hair done!" Marco said.

I was in need of getting a haircut. "Sure. That sounds good!"

We hopped into Marcos car and drove to the place were Marco gets his hair done.

Marco got his normal hair cut while I got my hair cut and curled. I was pleasantly surprised by how it turned out.

After the haircut we headed back to Jared and I's house.

"Marco you want to come in? Jared's working out so I'm home by myself." I asked while we pulled into the driveway.

"Yeah sure. You should try on your dress! I want to see how it looks with your hair!" Marco said while we went into the house.

"Ok! I'll be right down." I said.
I went upstairs and put on the dress. I felt beautiful.

I went downstairs to see no one there.
"Marco?" I yelled.

"Polo" I heard someone say.

I chuckled. "Marco?"

"Polo" I heard someone say behind me.

I jumped a little and looked behind me. I was shocked to see Jared dressed up more then usual.
"Jared? What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"C'mon were going to go out." Jared said taking my hand and leading me outside.

"Where did Marco go?"

"I gave him money to take you out and buy you clothes and get your hair done." Jared said while leading me in our backyard.

"Oh. Where are we going?"

"We are going here." Jared said smiling.

I looked away from Jared to see a beautiful picnic with candle set up.

"Jared! You did all of this?" I said.

"Payton your the most beautiful girl in the world. You deserve this everyday. I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me while I've been gone playing." Jared said blushing.

I was speechless. All i could do was blush.

"Come here let's sit down." Jared said.
We sat down and eat some of the delicious food Jared had in the picnic basket.

"Payton." Jared said.
"Yeah?" I responded.
"I want to give you something." Jared said while reaching in the picnic basket.

   Jared pulled out a box out of the the picnic basket.

"Here this is for you. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you." Jared said smiling.

I opened the box and saw a beautiful necklace.

"Aw! Thank you Jared. I love you so much."

Jared helped me put the necklace on and then we sat down and continued eating.

Jared and I looked up at the sky when we heard a loud bang of thunder.

"We should go inside." Jared said gathering all the things.

Out of nowhere it just started down pouring like crazy.

I helped Jared grab things and bring them inside.

"I'm sorry. I didn't check the weather. I didn't know it was supposed to rain." Said Jared.

"It's fine. Thank you for this. It was amazing!"

"I love you." Said Jared.

"And I love you." I said while leaning into kiss him.

Well that's my first imagine! It wasn't the greatest but I hope you enjoyed it Payton! Comment if you want one!

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