The Sirens

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Sam's POV

It was 9:30pm now. I had put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a white loose blouse, and my navy blue trench coat on over it. I decided that I was gonna take a walk to just clear my head and think about what I was going to do to fix myself up. I grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

I decided to take the long way around, walking through local parks and alleys. Thirty minutes later, I found myself standing in front of the club. I couldn't help myself. I was so addicted to going there every night, that I had just walked myself there. I looked through the window. Maybe I can just go in for a drink. Say "hi" to some people. Apologize to the bar tender again. Maybe even find Cupcake. I stood there for another minute. No! You need to man up and face your problems. If you want a drink so bad , why don't you get a cup of coffee? I turned and started back to walking. I knew there was a little coffee shop about a block from the club.

As I walked down the sidewalk, I passed an alley.

"Oh god!", I heard someone scream. I decided to take a look and go down the alley.

It was pitch black. I was fearing for my safety, but the thought of passing right by a murder and not trying to stop it from happening was what kept me going.

"HELLO! IS ANYONE THERE?" I yelled. I got no answer.

I walked a few more feet before I met up with the answer I was hoping I wouldn't get. There lying in front of me was Cupcake in a pool of blood.

"OH MY GOD!!" CUPCAKE CAN YOU HEAR ME??!" I said as I slapped her lightly on the side of the face.

I pulled out my phone and dialed 9-1-1. I could briefly make out little breaths that she made every 30 seconds. As I talked to the dispatcher, I held Cupcake in my arms. She looked like shit. She had a black eye, a swollen lip, and some bruises on her arms. I quickly looked around to see if I could spot the person that did this to her. There was no one in sight except the quite blackness that seemed to swallow us quicker as every minute went by.

After what felt was an hour, I could hear the faint sirens of the police cars and ambulance. When they arrived, I was thrown out of the way and asked to answer questions permitted by an officer standing by. I eventually was asked to join Cupcake in the back of the ambulance for a ride to the local hospital..

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