As time moves on I slowly start to think of myself as an intellectual, not just some brut that focuses on his body. I have a mental height that not many people see from me. I let one person know the real me. I.. barley know myself. but in this day and age, to many people are fake and very confused. if you can say that you have never told a lie in your life then you have just lied to me and yourself. I have no idea why I'm doing this but I am. Bye "this" I mean writing. frankly I hate writing. but with this I hope to help to do something important with my time. for years I have cheated, lied and forced my way higher and higher on the popularity ladder( I'm still not popular at all) but being where I am no.... I have never felt like less of a person. to be completely honest I hate myself. I hate my weight, hair, eyes, nose, smile, legs. I have low standards of most of my life. Yet, I crave one thing... to help you. I mean from a bad day to a break-up to full out depression. I'm not saying I can solve all your problems, but I can tell you that you wont face them alone. I have recently become good friends with a girl my age. she is what is known as a "Mentor" apparently this means she like to help people with there problems and through talking to her I have noticed I like it too. I'm not just doing this as a hobby, if I talk to you. I care. I really, really care. I'm not going to judge you on any means, I mean why would I? I don't know you and even if I didn't I'm not that kind of person. If you want to talk, about anything ( and I truly mean anything) send me an email and ill respond to you in this way. A story. I find that one's life is better portrayed in the form of a story. less stressful I'd imagine. Of course I would keep names and the exact thing that happened confidential. I do this as a way to make my life have a bit more meaning. If you have read this intire thing and wish to contact me you have four choices. 1) Facebook: Name, Paul, Patoka. 2) email: 3) Just message me on here. (:
P.S. I will also be writing short stories. I don't really know why just thought I'd give it a go ( :