My Friends at Walmart

10 2 6

Nova- ^records us^

Me- Put that away Nova!

Caroline- Fücker... ^chases Nova^ You know I hate my face on cameras!

Joseph- Come on guys, let's just get this shopping time over with.

Nova- BENJI SAVE ME! ^jumps on Benji^

Benji- ...

Caroline- ^looks at Benji^ F you Nova.

Nova- You wish.

Me- OMFG... Can we just shop plz!

Meg- Done. What's going on?

Caroline- ^is attempting to kill Nova^

Joseph- ^is attempting to help Nova^

Benji- 😤

Meg- Guys, I found this horse mask... What's going on?

Me- GIMME GIMME! ^grabs mask and runs around other costumers yelling "THE END IS NEAR!"^

Everyone- ...

Walmart worker comes up to us- I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Now.

Me- ^walks up behind him^ Even me?

Worker dude almost has heart attack- Especially you!

Nova- ^takes photo and runs^

Caroline chases him.

Benji watches.

I go on WattPad and talk about it.

Meg face palms.

Joseph pays for everything.

Worker dude follows us around until we leave.

Walmart. The store of America.

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