Chapter 2

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Later that day.

Grandma drove us to be with mom. I was told it was where we were gonna be living now. The closer we got the more nervous I got. I was scared to death when our car pulled up to a huge mansion type house. We got out and Rich led us to the front door. Rose seemed just as scared but she hid it well behind a smile. Rich knocked and a really cute guy answered. He smiled and grandma blushed out grandma blushed and I held in a chuckle cause nerves hit. Would this just be another man or men that abused my mother and possibly us. I didn't feel at ease as we walked in. Rich just patted my shoulder assuring us everything was fine but was it. I had nightmares and flashbacks of my father doing all kids of crazy shit.

"hi welcome I am Matt Cooper. You must be Donna Abby's mom and these beauties must be Sarah and Rose. Come in we have been waiting for you guys",he said swinging the door wide. We all walked in and two more like him sat smiling. My mom looked well rested and extremely happy. Matt sat in a chair while Abby hugged her daughters and squealed. Rose chuckled while I looked around nervously.  I was nervous this was new and I hid how uneasy I really was. I could fake it til I make type of thing.

"welcome home girls these are my bosses Jake, Jared and Matt they are letting us stay here ",my mom said smiling huge for once. I'm head she was happy I just hope it stayed that way.

Jake grinned and greeted us.
"hi ladies let's get you two settled in Jared lets show them to their rooms now",Jake said following us up a hall. This place was huge and absolutely stunning.  Luxury and spacious all in one. These guys were loaded.

"Rose this is your room",Jared said opening the door. She walked in and gasped as tears filled her eyes. I covered my ears while she squealed and hugged them. I smiled as mom patted her back. Soon I was led to my room and Jared opened it. I stepped in and loved it but tears filled my eyes and soon I began to sob.  Oh god I broke as everything hit me all at once. Tears I tried to hold in escaped. I was shaking as everything hit me all at once. Mom started to panic I could hear it in her voice.

"baby whats wrong? ",my mom asked. I just nodded and wiped my tears. Jake was behind me and he shut the door in their faces. He eased me to face him and I couldn't stop crying. He cupped my face gently and made me look up at him. His face had concern but also fatherly love which my dad never had for us. I watched as he shut my bedroom door in their faces.

"let us talk we will be out in a little ",he said leading me to sit. I tried to stop crying but couldn't and I felt ashamed. He gently wrapped me into his arms and I cried in his chest. He rubbed my back and just held me. He kept murmuring soft words trying to comfort me as I clutched at his shirt. I don't know what magic power he has but I feel relaxed and safe.
He sat holding me and I actually felt safe and not fear he would try to touch me. He even gave me time to talk and didn't push me to tell him why I was breaking down.

"whats wrong sweetheart? ",he said stroking my hair. I felt safe for once and soon told him everything and I mean everything. He held me tighter as new sobs wracked my body. I think he growled but I can't be sure. I felt so protected in his arms but I really wanted Ryan. I wanted my boyfriend who I haven't seen in forever it seems. He was avoiding me but why? Could he be cheating or just tired of me.

"he will never touch your mom again sweetheart or you girls. I swear he will never get to any of you ever again. You are our kids now and we will love and keep you ladies safe",he said kissing my head. I just nodded and stayed in his arms longer I needed comfort.  For just meeting him I felt the safest I have ever felt in awhile and I believe he knew it. He stroked my hair and I felt a calm rush over me as he held me. We stayed like that till my stomach growled and he eased me back. I blushed embarrassed cause I barely ate due to nerves and a certain someone telling me no guy wanted a fat woman. Jake smiled and we stood him keeping my hand in his. The same comfort washing over me slowing down my heart rate and breathing.

"lets go eat sweetheart ",Jake said leading me out. I nodded and held his hand while we walked to go eat and I smelled pizza. My favorite food and here I knew I could eat without being told I will get fat If I ate to much.

"we need to talk to your mother about all you told me sweetie don't worry I won't let anyone hurt you ladies ever again. Your all safe here and will remain safe. No one will touch you like that ever",he said kissing my head and pulling out a chair for me. Matt handed me a plate of pizza and kissed my head. Jared hugged me before we all sat eating.  I just hope it is real cause we needed to be safe and feel secure.

Dang these guys eat alot and they are freaking hot. Hopefully everything goes good from now on. I look at me and she smiles at all three looking more relaxed then I ever seen her. She doesn't look scared like she does at home.

My Three Mates: Book Two Ryan And SarahWhere stories live. Discover now