Chapter 5

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About four days later Jared carried me into the house while I sobbed in his chest. My face was bruised and my lip busted from my wonderful father trying to talk me into going with him. Before my guard could run to me he hit me hard three times busting my lip open and bruising my cheek.

"what happened Sarah? ",my mom asked me in a panic. She began sobbing as Jared hugged her and whispered to her to calm her down.

"dad came to school and tried to take me", I sobbed holding onto Jared after he took me back in his arms. I hid in his chest bawling till Jake took me from him. Jake seemed beyond pissed and I swear his eyes went black at one point.

"let me see sweetheart ",he said turning me gently. Jake cleaned me up and cupped my face. He kissed my forehead and wiped my tears. I was pulled into his arms and hugged tight. Tears kept falling and as much as I tried to stop crying I couldn't.

"he will never touch you again sweetheart. He will never touch our kids again",Jake said.
I eased back and looked at him hurt and sad. Wiping my tears I moved away from him.
"all you care about are your babies. You don't care what happens to us you never did. We aren't your kids and we don't matter, I cried, we never did ", I hurried to my room still sobbing. Maybe father was right we are a burden to Jake and his brothers.

I ran away to my room to sob. Jake growled and followed me. I laid on the bed sobbing my heart out. I tried to muffle my sobs in my pillow as Jake stormed in. He sat beside me and touched me. I didn't push him away so he yanked me up and into his arms. I continued to sob in his chest as he rocked me. I was a complete damn mess and it hurt to feel this way. A burden to everyone. I wasn't sleeping good at all and I missed Ryan more then I thought was normal for a teen. I mean we are teens and teens break up but this was more then a normal break up this was painful and like I'm missing part of myself.

"I'm sorry ",I cried I felt awful saying what I did to them they have been nothing but awesome to us.
"sweetheart we love you and meant you and Rose are our kids to. He will never touch you or her ever again. We love you so damn much and I swear I won't leave you neither will my brothers sweetie your our kids now okay? "

I nodded and continued to cry in his chest. He hugged me closer after kissing my head. He could tell more was wrong but he didn't like pushing us.
"talk to me sweetheart. Why are you so upset today? Did your dad touch you in a bad way? "
I nodded no and I finally spill at what Ryan said.
"Ryan broke up with me days ago he said I was to damaged,fat and ugly for him. He also knows dad touched me he brought that up during the break up. I feel so dirty", I sobbed hating this feeling.

Jake growled.
"that little fucker I will rip his balls off and make him eat them".
I burst into laughs as he growled again obviously mad I was hurting but I needed the laugh.

"I love you Jake,I said, but that is gross and I don't need that mental image" I giggled as he chuckled and held me tight.

I eased back and smiled up at him. He wiped my tears and kissed my head. Jake was always there when I needed him plus it helped that his brothers were just as awesome as him.

"I am still gonna talk with him sweetheart no boy should say that to a girl he has dated over a year. Your none of that honey. We love you", he says smiling at me teasing my fear and sadness.

I nodded and continued to wipe away tears. It has been a week since my scary encounter with my dad and my face is still bruised bad. I still cry at night and have been having nightmares. I wake screaming in the middle of the night. Jake and Jared run in and soothe me. I feel horrible every morning but I still get up and go to school. I have dark circles and big bags under my eyes. I don't eat much and I noticed my clothes are getting looser on me. I'm jumpy and I still cry a lot.

I sigh and sit in the chair the next day exhausted. I look at my breakfast and push the food around on my plate. This is really getting to me and exhaustion is literally kicking my ass.

"sweetheart, Jake said sitting beside me, you need to eat. You need strength Sarah. Come on baby just eat", he says rubbing my arm.

Tears filled my eyes as I shove my chair out and flee the room. I don't want food I just want to be left alone why can't they get this. I feel dirty, tired and nothing helps. I even had panic attacks and my guard had to help me through it.  I even begged him not to tell the alphas cause they would just worry and all I do lately is cry. I know mom is worried but her being pregnant with triplets has me clamming up more. I can't stress her out more then she already is.

She doesn't need my shit on her I will get through this I just need to toughen up more. I lay on my bed sobbing into my pillow again. I cry till I just lay there all cried out. I want to drift to sleep but I'm scared of the nightmares I have every time sleep does come.

Nightmares of being touched and raped by my own father.

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