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I rub my eyes and squint to make sure that is actually him. I thought this was one of those things you tell to your friends as a crazy experience then forget and move on like nothing happened but no.

"Hey! You're that boy that was in the car." Avery exclaims. How does she even know how he looks? She must've been looking real hard.

He curses under his breath, "shit" then he continues as he rubs the back of his neck with his hand ,"what you guys probably saw-"

"I really don't want to talk about that right now." I cut him off. Referring to Avery sitting right next to me.

"Well can we go somewhere else?" he asks. I turn to look at Avery and she's gazing at us while eating her ice cream.

"There's nothing to talk about."

The boy is still standing there and I look up at him.

"What do you want? Go away." I say.

"Why were you looking so long?" he asks me. I roll my eyes.

"Because it's not an everyday thing to find a boy ejaculating in their car." I say through my teeth.

"What's ejacu-lating?" Avery tries to sound out from beside me. For a moments I forgot she was here.

"Nothing just eat your ice cream." I tell her before looking back up to face the boy. "Look what you've done."

"What?" his dark eyebrows furrow.

"Now she gonna start going around saying that. I think she's scarred for life now."

"It's not my fault your daughter saw me, she shouldn't have never been in your lap anyway." He says.

Confusion washes over my face at the word daughter.

"She's not my daughter." I tell him.

"Then why does your shirt say," he gestures to my shirt, "that?" Oh I also forgot about the tank top.

"Long story. But that's not the point you shouldn't have been..." I cut myself off searching for an appropriate word, "been... playing with yourself in your car. and your windows aren't even tinted."

He sighs, "okay I know that's a little weird, and I apologize." he says, I roll my eyes yet again.

"Why did you even follow me here?" I ask him, and I look around at the empty ice cream shop. Jack disappeared off into the back of the shop.

"I didn't follow you here , I came to get my house keys from him." He points to Jack who appeared at the cashier counter. I nod my head , as I lick my popsicle that is now melting.

"But hey. You look like you're enjoying that popsicle, maybe you want to-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Avery are you ready to go?" I ask her, I turn to look at her and she's a mess, ice cream all over her mouth, and she devoured the cone. I take some napkins out of the dispenser on the table to clean her face. "Ready?"

But she ignores me and starts to talk to the boy—I still don't know his name—and I groan.

"What were you doing in your car?" she asks him, my eyes widen and I shoot him a warning look.

"I was just dancing." he says, and does a weird dance move, that I couldn't even explain.

"Oh. I like to dance too." she smiles at him. And he laughs.

"Well I guess we have something in common." he grins at her, his smile is bright.

"What's your name?" She questions.

"Jack." He tells her.

"Okay time to go Avery." I cut in and I grab her wrist this time.

"Wait, can Jack come over for a little while?" Avery scoots over closer to me and leans in my ear "he knows how to dance!" She tries to whisper before giving me her toothless grin.

When Avery shows off her signature toothless grin, the answer will always be yes. I'm starting to think she knows what that smile does to me, so she uses it against me.

"But Avery." I almost beg, "he probably has something to do."

"No I don't." he cuts in.

I give him an ugly look and Avery turns to me with pleading eyes, "please"

"Okay." I say.


"How old are you Jack?" Avery asks him. We were at the dinner table at my sister's house, eating some left over Alfredo that Olivia had left in the refrigerator. Jack turned out to be a funny guy, despite that fact of how we met. I'm having a good time with the both of them and I couldn't help but see how good he was with children when he let her win just dance on the Wii.

"I'm twenty-three." he tells her, "And how old are you?

She holds up five fingers and grins, "I'm almost six."

He raises an eyebrow, and glances at me, "Wow! You're a big girl."

She nods her head rapidly, "Yeah. And I want a princess party."

I get up from my chair and pick up Avery's plate that she cleared , then I carried it into the kitchen along with mine and Jack's plate. After I was done cleaning the kitchen I went back into the dinning area but Avery and Jack wasn't there anymore.

I furrowed my eyebrows then went into the living room only to find it vacant.

Where did they go?

"Avery?" I called. No answer.

"Jack?" I shouted. Still no answer.

And this is why you don't let strangers in the house I thought to myself. I then walked up the stairs , looking around for them.

"And this is my American doll my mommy and daddy got for me." A voice I recognized as Avery's came from her bedroom.

"Oh there y'all are" I say as I lean against her door frame. They were seated on her floor looking at her doll collection.

They both look at me, "yeah I was just showing Jack my American girl dolls."

I open my mouth to say something, but Avery cuts me off with her yawn, she streches her arms.

I smile and went over to pick her up, "Are you tired?" She nods her head. I told Jack to wait downstairs , then I changed her into her night clothes and I laid her down on the bed, before tucking her in.

She falls asleep almost instantly and I kiss her forehead , then turned her night light on and made my way back downstairs.

I met Jack on the couch.

"This was a long day." I sigh as I laid my head down on the cushion.

"I can tell, you look really tired." he chuckles.

I close my eyes, "What time is it?" I ask him, he pulls out his phone.

"9:45" he says, and I slowly open up my eyes to see Jack gazing at me 

"What?" I ask.

"I think I should get going." He says , I nod.

"let me walk you out." I get up from the couch the same time as Jack does and I walk him to his car. "Thank you for keeping Avery and I company." I say to him.

"Thanks for having me." he smiles. I look to the ground. I look back and my eyes met his, and we watched each other before he leaned in and planted a kiss on my forehead. I shiver.

"Bye Valeria." he says and opens up his car door before getting in.

"Bye Jack." I tell him, he pulls out the driveway and rolls down his window.

"Tell Avery I said bye." He shouts , I nod and wave. Watching as his car disappears down the street, I walk inside the house and shut the door.

Did I just let a stranger kiss my forehead ?


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