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My mouth dropped open as I heard Snow say those hurtful words to that girl, she didn't even know.

And I gasped as she dumped the smoothie on the girls head.

I then looked at the girl, her face had a look of complete hurt and embarrassment of her face, I wanted to cry, and just go over there and hug her.

But I can't do that it would ruin my whole reputation I've worked to get. I felt so bad for her.

She then ran out of the cafeteria, I wanted to follow her and apologize and make sure she's okay, but I couldn't do that.

Then a girl named Elsa I think yelled something about Snow being a bitch, I tried not to laugh, but I quickly started feeling bad again.


"A whats up with you, your acting weird," Snow asked in her usual snotty voice.

I debated on whether to say something or not, oh screw it.

"It's just why were you being so mean to that girl at lunch, all she did was ask you to apologize for tripping her what's so hard about that," I said calmly.

Cindy's eyes went wide, and she gave me a look. Snows face went red, "Wait a second are you saying that your taking that nothing's side,"  Snow said dramatically.

"She's not a nothing, you don't even know her," I said getting madder.

Snow was about to say something when Cindy got in the middle of us.

"Snow please, I think Aurora is just not feeling the best, and she's confused or something, just maybe let her be alone for the rest of the day," Cindy reasoned giving me a look 'to please not continue to make Snow mad,' I nodded.

"Fine I guess your right, but A if your or right by tomorrow you don't want to know what's going to happen," Snow said strutting off, with Cindy.

Then I quickly ran away, as far as possible from that bitch, Cindy wasn't that bad she did just save my ass.

I ran all the way to the park, where I sat on the bench.

I put my head in my hands, and started balling my eyes out.

Why couldn't of I just never met Snow, she ruined my whole life, when I met her I left all my friends for her. I started disobeying my Parents and being disrespectful to them because of her. I've done some stupid things, that left a huge dent in me and my family's relationship, and it was all because Snow. Its especially hard watching Snow bullying innocent people, and having to just agree and then have  encourage Snow to keep doing it, it hurts me so much, because I care so much about people.

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