~Could Roomies be any Weirder, Is Weirder a Word?~

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Chapter 2

Glad meeting the cuzz was finally finished, my mind was back on my studies thinking of the many hours of homework I still had waiting for me upstairs in my dorm room.  I wonder if my roomie will be in.  Not to dampen the whole college experience by supporting those nasty college stereotypes/cliches but I really was stuck with a borderline psychotic roommate.  Don’t get me wrong, she could be pretty chill when she wanted to be but there were times when I was genuinely, scared for my life.  It’s that situation where you go to bed, pull the covers over your head and kind of wonder if you’ll wake up dead.  Ya.  That sort of thing.  

I didn’t hate science.  I actually loved biology and anatomy hence the pre-med studies, but some of the experiments my roomie, Gretchen, had going were really very strange.  Next to her bed she had a whole dresser full of chemicals and little anecdotes required to experiment.  It didn’t exactly smell delicious if you catch my drift.  Everywhere Gretchen walked she wore protective eye gear, and from the two weeks we had lived together, I had yet to see her hair in anything but a pony tail.  Not one of those cute, beach girl pony tails like Serena in Gossip Girl (no I don’t watch that show, come’on)  but one of those nasty, greasy hair, off the face kind of ugly pony tail.  Man I felt bad for her.

I am in no way girlie or preppy, but even I knew to take a shower every day, (most days alright!) wash my hair.  I thought of myself as dressing just average most of the time in jeans and a t-shirt depending on the occasion.  My mom was way into getting me all dolled up, especially for events.  I loathed going to high school dances only because my mom treated them as a time to play dress up!  My day to day attire was feminine just not up to my mother’s standards.  Just to help you understand my mother’s standards a bit better I would relate it once again to Gossip Girl.  If you aren’t dressed for the runway you shouldn’t be walking out of your room.  No, not your house, your room.  She believes the minute you step outside your room into the house you ought to be dressed to kill.  Now I’m not saying that I don’t dress nicely or that I don’t know how to dress for the runway.  But, I guess you could call me a bit lazy.  As evidenced today at the cafe when I went to visit my cousin in nothing but sweats.  Something that would be completely unacceptable in my mother’s eyes.  Most days for school I dress in socially accepted clothing and maybe the occasional legging outfit.  But when I feel the need I can dress up to any models standard outfit.  I am by no means the cliche ugly nerd who doesn’t know how to use mascara, but more definitely the average girl that can look stunning when she pleases, not when a man dictates or my mother in this case.

I had thought once or twice about offering to help Gretchen with her hair and makeup but didn’t want to offend her and who was I to say playing with chemicals all day wasn’t a self-fulfilling role.  Who knows, maybe one day in the future Gretchen will be finding the cure for cancer with those experiments.  Accusatory situations weren’t me, anyway, they were really more suitable for my mother.

I walked down the hall to my room and opened the door half expecting to be enveloped in a stench coupled with ammonium phosphate, but was instead greeted with a clean, fresh smelling room.  Hmmm, weird?

I sat on my bed and thought about the upcoming weekend again and my new best friend, Jamie, just letting the possibilities of the future rest on my mind.  Wondering where I would be at this same time next Saturday after the party was over.  I liked entertaining these sorts of thoughts as past experience has taught me that life can change in the blink of an eye.  As Ferris Beuler wisely said, “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it!”  I loved that movie.  Seriously such a classic.  Anyway back to work.  I have so much homework, blah.  As I settled into my bed more comfortably I picked up my book to read, The City of Bones, and decided my homework could wait a half hour more.  Alter reading for a few hours, I fell asleep and when I woke up it was already mid-morning on Sunday.  I only had today to finish all of my homework before another week of college came rolling through.  

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