x. never the same

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"What the hell is going on?"

Haven finally worked up the nerve to ask the question that was on her mind. It was only a few minutes ago that her father had seemingly risen from the dead and she knew it was going to take a lot longer to fully regain her thoughts on what had happened. It also had been a few minutes since the brunette had ran into her father's arms, relishing the feeling of being in the presence of someone that she never thought she would see again.

She felt elated, like everything had come full circle. Of course there was parts of her that had to think about the consequences and repercussions of what was to come. Aro was dead set on killing her father, that was the only reason he let her and her mother go after all. Haven wondered what this meant for her, would she have to go back there when they find out that Chris Eldridge never really died?

"You may want to sit down." Chris pointed to the bed that Carlisle and Esme had moved off of to give the Eldridge family space, knowing that explaining had to be done. Haven moved to sit down, while Casey continued to grip onto her husband's side, refusing to let go of the one person whom she thought was gone from her life forever. 

All of the other people in the room stood to the side. They were all in the know of everything that had gone down and were all aware of the moment the family had to have. Even Jacob didn't move from his spot against the wall, Quil and Embry to both of his sides, even though he desperately wanted to be touching his girlfriend who so easily could have been torn away from him. Seeing her was enough though, even if she did look like a haunted and terrified version of the huntress, she was alive and here. 

"We all knew the Volturi were coming for you, that much was obvious. It obviously was going to be when they decided they wanted to turn up, but I think they may have forgotten that I worked for them for a long time. I know the way they work, I know the way Aro thinks. With your birthday eighteenth birthday approaching I knew that was around the time they would come, so I went to Carlisle.

"I couldn't let you stay there forever. There was no way in hell that I would force you to endure what did when I was with the Volturi; I killed people, innocent people and creatures who didn't deserve it but Aro seemed to disagree. He does everything for power and I refused to let you be another thing he added to his list. But I knew that I couldn't hide you forever, he was going to find you and that only meant I had to prevent him from keeping you. 

"It took a while to work up the courage to see Carlisle, it's not his fault that I have ill feelings towards his kind but as much as I have grown up knowing they're evil, I knew that they would do anything to help you. So I explained it to him that we were all going to be taken and what Aro planned to do when he had you in his hands. He told me he would do anything for you, so that's when I asked him to inject me with his venom."

Haven watched her father cautiously, taking in all his words. She quickly turned her head to where Carlisle was standing next to Esme, the blond vampire nodding his head to show that this was in fact the cold, hard truth. Chris Eldridge was connected to Carlisle Cullen the way that Haven was to Aro.

"How did that help anything?" Haven asked tentatively, letting out a long breath that had been building up. This all seemed like a hallucination, a dream even. The brunette was sure that at some point it was all going to fade away beneath her and she would wake up in her lilac quilted bed. 

Chris kept his hand wound around his wife's shoulder but everyone in the room could see it tense slightly. Carlisle watched on, knowing the emotions turning around in the man's mind, and intentionally sent a wave of calm through the newly acquainted bond. He hoped that his feelings would pass over to the hunter's, gaining him a sight of calmness so he could continue explaining the situation to his family whom had a right to know. 

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