Well maybe he does

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*Noah’s POV*

When I laid that kiss on Izzy’s forehead it just felt right. Like my lips belonged there. As our hug ended I grabbed her face and wiped her tears away with my thumb giving her a reassuring smile. As she smiled back my heart grew warm, and I grabbed her hand to lead he out of the café back into the world.

            It wasn’t a boyfriend girlfriend type holding hands; it was a strong friendship type hold. It was reassuring...and loving

            “Hey Iz?”


            “Do you… do you remember Ciara?”

            “Yeah I do we are still friends, do you… wanna see her?”

I felt a slight pang when I found out her and Ciara were still friends, it made me wonder even more why she forgot me.

            “Hello? Noah? I asked if you wanted to see Ciara.”

            “Oh yeah, does she live close?”

            “Yeah, she is like 5 or 10 minutes from here.”

            “Let’s go then”

We walk to Ciara’s flat hand-in-hand with smiles on our faces. As we round the corner I see a large building in which I’m assuming is where Ciara’s apartment is. Suddenly Iz stops and pulls out her phone and holds up to her ear

            “Hi Ciara! *pause* Well we are right down the road I see your building now *pause* Oh I’m with Noah he wants to see you *pause* Ok see you in a minute”

            “Sorry Noah, I just wanted to let her know we are almost there”

            “Don’t worry Sabel, its ok”

            “Sabel? What?”

            “I was thinking of a nickname… I don’t think that one works”

Isabelle responds giggling

           “Yeah I don’t either”

*Izzy’s POV*

He latches his hand back onto mine, feeling his warmth almost calmed me. As we draw closer to the building I feel the want to walk slower just so I can I have my hand with his longer. As we reach the entrance he opens the door for me and we walk in. Walking up to the lift, I push the up button and wait.

            Noah walks up behind me and grabs my hand once again. When the door opens we step in and press the button for Ciara’s floor and we sit in silence the way up. When we reach the floor and I lead him to her apartment. The second we step in I hear a shrill scream come from the apartment.

*Noah’s POV*

As soon as we stepped foot in the apartment there was a loud scream. Both Iz and I jump at the sound, we turn to see Ciara jumping up and down with a grin on her face. She runs up and jumps on me nearly knocking me over, I feel her tears seeping through my shirt. Izzy releases her hand from mine, and I wrap my arms around Ciara as she sobs. I miss seeing her, it’s been years, and I mean it has for Isabella too, but she doesn’t remember me so it’s just… different. She slowly releases me and grabs my shoulders examining me like my grandmother would after not seeing me for a while. She gives me one more quick hug before wiping her tears away and turning to Izzy to give her a hug too.

            “My god Noah, you’re…you’re so different”

            “Same for you Ciara! God I have missed you guys so much”

            “Well why don’t you both come sit, anyone want tea? Coffee? Drinks in general?”

Isabelle was first to respond with a no and I quickly followed saying I was all good. I stood back and look at the two of them, quietly conversing to one another. They both were so different, yet the same from when I had left. I admired the pair, for staying together; they truly needed each other when I was gone. I crumbled without them, I had lost my two best friends, and I had no support without them. I felt my life had ended then.

            Ciara called over to me “Hey Noah! Come sit with us!”

As I walked over Izzy gave me a shy smile, Ciara watched as I gave Iz a confused look. Iz’s response was looking over to Ciara then back at me. I immediately understood Ciara was always a nosey one, so I assumed she was suspicious about us holding hands.

            Being back with these two, it filled this hole that has been in my life for years now. I felt complete, like… like nothing could bring me down.


After talking and catching up for about 20 minutes I got a text from Alex tell me to me him at Jordan’s house in 10 for some dinner.

            “Well girlies, I hate to cut the visit short but I have to meet up with some friends, but I can see you guys tomorrow sometime if you want.”

            “Yeah totally Izzy and I aren’t really doing much tomorrow so just let one of us know when you wanna meet and where and it should be good.”

            “Awesome see you guys later then”

Before leaving though I gave a Ciara a big hug and then turned to Izzy and wrapped her in my arms giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. I waved a quick goodbye before heading out.

*Izzy’s POV*

As soon as Noah left Ciara starts shrieking


            “CIARA!” I say mocking her tone “What are you shrieking about?”

            “Noah likes you!! I saw you two holding hands! And I saw that kiss he gave you!”

            “I barley know him! He can’t like me after a day!”

            “Iz, remember it hasn’t been a day for him it’s been years.”

It’s true; I keep forgetting he knows me. I figured that’s how he acted when we were younger.

            “Well, how did he act when we were friends?”

            “For years we were all just friends, but around grade eight, which was out last year together, he started acting like that

A simple “oh” was all I could say. 


Authors note!

Hey you guys, so i tried to make this chapter longer... Do you like the longer chapters? Or shorter? Anywhale I wont be doing any other updates tonight, it is suuppeerrr late here so yeah! Bye!

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