Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine: The Happenstance

Kairess POV


Brushed down, messy hair. Plaided shirt and knee-length shorts. Piercings. 

I just can't seem to delete the image on my mind. It's like a virus that will forcibly keep your system hanging on a blue screen of death (BSOD), and every other things running in your mind will also be terminated due to a beautiful fatal error of adoring him last night. I think this is what I can call as my system crash.

Although there's an undeniable wad of stress and disarrayed thoughts sacked up in my head, the only thing that surfaces above all is nothing but Akiyama-related thoughts. Like when he took me by the hand. When he followed me around. When gave me something to drink. When he was staring at me. And the fanciful list goes on.

"Kai? Hey." Someone waves a hand in front of my face. This pulls me back from a deep reverie.

"Hey," I absentmindedly response, waving back at this random person I later on recognize as Kaelyn.

"You are so spaced out today. Is there something wrong?" She does an indian sit beside me and look at me with gleaming eyes of curiosity. Since it's our vacant time, both of us decide to stay on the rooftop of the main building where the ventilation is refreshing and more than sufficient.

"I just remembered seeing Harumi with Akiyama and Miki last night at the convenient store."

"You did?" Kaelyn pauses for a moment as she tries to come up with something in her head. "One of them probably lives nearby," she continues.

"Yeah, but we can't assure that. Perhaps they just might be passing by at the store on their way home and I, coincidentally, bump onto them." I also happen to tell Kaelyn about how Akiyama looks different that night since it won't stop bugging my train of thoughts.

"Oh I remembered his seductive piercings," Kaelyn states with dreamy eyes. 

"Seductive? He appears more of a rebel to me. Besides the school doesn't permit guys to have piercings," As I make valid points, she just tosses her head to the side with a strongly disapproving mien.

"To be honest he's cute..."

Simultaneously, the door slams open, revealing a guy with an intensely frayed uniform. He's got a small visible scar on his left brow, a noticeable bruise beside his lips and plenty of dirt on his whole face. His condition got us on our feet, alert and afraid that his enemies might be following him behind. The poor guy limps and then collapses himself at a corner, placing his head above the gutter.

 We cautiously stare at him as he catches his ragged breath. A few more minutes have passed, and there's no sign of any nemesis barging at the door to snatch away the remaining life this guy has. Kaelyn grabs my hand. I glance at her and her eyes are telling me that we should approach the guy.

"Are you serious?" I whisper frantically. Her face is stoic and bravely determined.

"We can possibly be dragged along in his problem!" Kaelyn seems barely aware of the situation she's trying to leap onto. By no means of abandoning his appalling condition, I'm just having the doubt of getting involved into whatever kind of mess he's in.

In the end, I got convinced by my arising conscience. We rush to him and kneel beside him. The distance gives me a good peek of the fresh wounds he has, leaving bloody stains on his uniform. He also has a long cut on his right shoulder. The sight of his continuously dripping blood is turning me into an invertebrate creature - spineless.

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