Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven: Impulsivity

Kairess POV


"This is a small world indeed." I sigh after sipping the cold beverage down to my dry throat. The icy droplets on the surface of the bottle are racing down my numb hand. The time feels slower than usual.

Every now and then, not even a single thought has made me feel comfortable. There's a sudden disturbance in my world that it starts rotating counterclockwise, contradicting all of my force.  

And there's me, sitting in a corner sulking like never before over someone who's unworthy of my energy. In a modern day where chances and changes are always available, here I am still stuck over this outdated feelings. Somehow, I think it's time to upgrade the old me.

"Found you!" Harumi pops out of nowhere. There's a broad smile across her face. She looks dazzling today with her hair in a loose. She's like what everybody describes in the book as the girl who has a messy hair yet still stunning. 

"Harumi," I reply monotonously.

"Everybody in Class C is there except you. Why are you here anyway?" She asks. A sharp stab from my conscience brings forth a feeling of guilt. As I flinch a cheeky smile forms across her face. 

"Ditching aren't we?" She says, stifling an impish laughter.

"No, I just want to cool off for a moment." I reply, still covering up something obvious. Harumi seems to buy the joke. It is a relief at first, but then shit happens when she takes this conversation seriously.

"Cool off?" She repeats, her eyes filled with a snoopy look. I simply nod, cautiously not spilling the beans.

"If you're going to cool off till afternoon then you'll miss all the fun."

I roll my eyes, "I haven't felt that fun yet since I arrived here."

I've inhaled a lot of tense in an early morning breeze. I also have this weirdo, Akiyama, tailing me around the corner, and now there's an unwanted guest. Everything's pretty ironic for a so-called fun.

"We'll you're incarcerating yourself in your own pessimistic thoughts, Kairess. We all experience shitty things once in a while. If you'll focus only to one side, then you certainly won't enjoy thrill of life."

After saying that she pats my head, signalling a farewell then leaves quietly. She's pretty dramatic back there, but a total eye-opener. My thoughts pull me back to reality. This time, it's not a negative self-talk anymore, but a meditation.

Why is it very possible to motivate others and barely possible to enlighten up oneself?

And when my vibe comes back, a regained bravery suffices my crestfallen state a while ago. I stand up with a smile then head on to the auditorium.

I dramatically slam the entrance open with my awesomeness. Catching attentions, I walk as if I'm a model in a runway wherein I'm actually just looking for my classmates. They're all packed up in a corner near our presentation.

Kaelyn greets me with a saucy grin as she claps slowly, " I knew you would come."

Everybody has been asking what has happened to me, because I wasn't responding to any messages. Of course, Kaelyn is the only exception. She knows my whole life and she can tell it from the start down to the very first moment that I stumbled towards this thing known as romance.

"Did you have a hard time digesting the surprising fact that he's here or are you constipated with anxiety?"

"Both," I reply.

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