His hello

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And a syncline is the opposite it goes down in a U form" Mr W my science teacher was telling us about faults, and I as bored so I turned and talked to Lincoln.
" how's you fight with Demi going" I ask
" I don't see it as a fight I see it as her getting overly upset at me for not responding to her text." He says
" yay I guess so."
"How's your life, Des" he asks.
"Same as always." I sigh
"class please look up here" Mr W shouted. I turn my head to the board and try to focus but my mind wanders of and soon class ends. I say bye to Lincoln and walk with summer to math.

"So Zach was just staring at her the whole time like don't flirt well you're still dating me and then lily told me that Kylie was talking to him and he was blushing the whole time! Ugh he so furs treating!"she complains
"Well when you have to count how many times you've dated it's bad." I reply
"Yay oh well," she replies. I drop her of at math and head to Home Ec.
"Des! Des wait up!" Some one shouted. I paused and flipped around and saw Matt running up to me.
"Hey Matt what's up ? "I ask
"Nothin much, may I? "He gestures next to me
"Go ahead" I reply and we start walking and talking just about school and Sherlock and stuff like that then went our separate ways the day finished off normal until I was packing up my locker....

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