A really deep rant on things I hate

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          fuck, all I want all the time is to watch the world fucking burn, I want to see the family values that people hold so near and dear crack under the weight of it, I want to watch people die forgotten with no afterlife or heaven, I want to watch people waste the precious time they have on earth doing meaningless shit that no one will notice, I want to watch people fucking drown in their own greed. The best revenge I could get on the people I hate is to ruin the things they create. I will mold their children into nothing using love as a pure emotion considering the majority of them were born as products of lust. I will teach them to love like they won't get hurt, and to live like it's their last day. I will create a world of free thinkers and happy people. Most importantly, I will do it through music and watch as the world spreads its legs for another fucking super star.

(this stemmed from a discussion with my boyfriend when we were talking about things we dislike)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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