Chapter XI: Can't stop the bleeding

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-Levi POV-

Stepping over the bloody body on the ground ascending the wooden stairs to the door, taking light steps to avoid the loud creaking that would follow on to much weight, the door swung wide open the morning light shining into the hallway from the front door. They better not have left my door open. Peaking my head around the corner. Nothing. Twirling the hunting knife in my head and I take silent steps along the house, heading into the kitchen feeling eyes burning holes into my body a quiet but stern female voice.

"Drop the weapon. Get on the ground."  Their eyes widened as I turn around, my clothing soaked in blood along with it splattered over my arms.

"W-who's~" they stuttered

"For a bigger guy I didn't think he'd be that easy to take down..this much blood doesn't come out easy you know" a sadistic smirk creeping into my face as the look of horror plastered on theirs, reliving the moment of all that blood spilling all over the place. Snapping out of my trance at how long it was going to take to clean up.

"Where's the boy."

"What boy~"

"Don't play shit Leviathan!" They growls,

"You don't know shot Zoe. You never di~"


I watched as the body in front of me fell to the floor, memorized by the movements.


a warm feelings flushed over me, starting from the left side of my stomach creeping across my body. It stung, glancing down to my stomach as a patch of blood started soaking through my shirt, blood dripping down onto the floor. Lightly touching the blood patch wincing, bullet. Glaring up to the terrified figure with his hands grasped around a gun, shaking uncontrollably as it dropped to the ground. I watched the panic grow in his eyes as I leaned myself up against the wall to hold myself, my mouth felt dry. Clumsily stumbling into the kitchen throwing open one of the cupboards taking out a small white case tossing it into the counter pulling up a chair sitting down with a groan. Pulling up my blood soaked shirt as bright eyes stared at me panicked.

"I can't believe you shot me" I glared at him as he stood there completely out of it, glancing away for only a second before hearing a thud as the a body hit the floor. Glancing over he had passed out from shock.

Dear Rabbit (To be continued)Where stories live. Discover now