Chapter: XV

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"Well. Stop standing in to doorway brat" feeling a light push on my shoulder as he made his way Past me, tossing our bags onto the floor at the foot of the bed. Shaking my head slightly then running my hands through my hair,
"Tch, right well I'm going to shower."

"I-I was going to but you can go first" trying to speak quietly feeling his gaze fixed on me.

"Is that so" feeling a hand grip the front of my shirt being pulled along like a puppy, glancing at my shirt balled up in Levis fist as he drags me behind him, out of the room and down the hall, stoping at a door to the washroom pushing me inside, following and closing the door leaning against it with his arms crossed.


"I-uh wait what, I didn't-"

"You wanted a shower didn't you. Strip."

"F-fuck you."

"If you insist."

Feeling my eyes widen, quickly stepping into the shower behind the curtain for what level of privacy I can get. Striping of my clothing tossing it onto the bathroom floor before turning on the water. Standing under the head letting the droplets hit my skin, almost flinching in pain as they do along with the water getting warmer and warmer, steam surrounding me, closing my eyes running my hands through my hair the water making a sloshing sound as it hits the bottom of the ceramic tub. Glancing down along my chest and stomach, layered with purple/blue bruises score to the touch. Not noticing the figure that has stepped into the shower behind me for a second, only noticing when finger tips brushed along my upper back along one of the bruises. Listening as his voice is low almost in a whisper.

"Only following orders." My breathing hitched slightly at his words, orders..someone ordered him to do this to me..and he went through with it.

"Don't touch me." I snapped, regretting the tone of voice I used as the bathroom fell uncomfortably silent besides from my shallow breathing, it didn't seem like he is breathing, so quiet. Feeling his eyes looming over every inch of me, a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach like on a rollercoaster. A knock on the bathroom door causing our silence to be broken.

"There is food on the table for you both." Jeans voice sounded tired as his footsteps got more and more distant down the hall before Levi showy got out of the shower. Waiting for him to get dressed and to leave the bathroom before getting out myself. Hearing the metal click of the door closing, letting out a breath i was obviously holding in. Supporting my weight leaning up against the white tile wall. Reaching for the towel sitting on the back of the toilet, wrapping it around my waist, stepping out glancing at myself in the mirror as it fogged up, wiping the dog away with a screech of flesh against glass. Grinding my teeth feeling progressively more and more irritated.
Mocking his voice quietly.
"Only following orders."
"Only Following Orders."
"Only. Following. Orders."

'Oh please you can't tell me you didn't like it.' Narrowing my eyes, glaring at the glassy distorted reflection of a boy with a crazies smile.
'After all. Wasn't it You, who likes the pain I mean, lying to yourself when it got you off-'

"Shut up!" Growling at the now perfect reflection of myself, taking a deep breath the steam now nearly gone. Dropping my head down swearing to myself. 'Fuck.'

--Time Skip--
--Levi POV--

Watching as the cloud of toxic smoke leaves my lips, a light gray colour as I exhale glaring down at the cancer stick clutched lightly between my index and middle finger watching the embers slowly eat away at it. The Sun rise is nearly peaking over the roofs of the houses across the street, Sky a vibrant orange and pink/red colour something that should last forever, for the soul fact of the sun ruining my snowy complexion. Tch. Letting a chuckle escape from the back of my throat, rolling my eyes. 'Only following orders'. The whole aura in the room changed so much when I thought outloud. Hearing a 'click' darting my eyes to the right of me, watching the front door open then close as a figure sits beside me.

J: "Levi-"
L: "Save it horse face."
J: "I do not look like-" hearing a sigh
"How did eren get caught up in this."

L: "That's classified."
J: "Dammit Levi. What happens when rabbit finds out. You don't even know how psycho Erens sister is when it comes to him she will literally-"
L: "Rabbit was the one who gave me the job."
Heavy silence filling my ears, taking a slow drag off the cancer stick watching out of the corner of my eye as the figure shifts positions uncomfortably.
J: "I'm not going to act like I haven't seen the bruises Wolf."
L: "and I'm not going to act like I don't want to punch you in the face if you don't shut up. Jean."
J: "hold up- hear me out. You don't least not anymore. He sent people after you, didn't he. Just like he did with me."
Not responding, taking another drag. Hearing the man take a deep breath.
J: "he face is on every poster for miles."
L: "Tch."
J: "leave at sunrise, not just because I hate you breathing the same air as me, but, whoever Rabbit has sent after you will start to search houses. I'll be able to deal with them, but you two need to be gone. Got me." Glancing at the figure now standing, getting to my feet stomping out the cigarette, running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah. Got it."

Dear Rabbit (To be continued)Where stories live. Discover now