On the run

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tap tap. "Um, Excuse me miss, uh, co-lin-s, you requested I wake you up at dawn." the motel owner states as he taps on your door.
"Oh, thank you, I am up." You say as you slide out of bed and stand up. Your dark green nightgown sliding down your leg and falling just above the knee. "You may go now."
You hear the owners footsteeps click away from your door towards another room.
You turn and head for you baggage. Where did I put my dress? You start digging through your bag and pull out a slightly rumpled sea green dress. You take off your nightgown and stuff it forcefully into your bag. Heading towards the mirror in the back of the room, you glance at your reflection. You see a face that is familiar but distant. Bright blue eyes stare back at you, brown hair falls in perfect curls on your shoulder, and you can't help but stare at the scar on your right eye. It's been there since you can remember. Blinking again, you turn around and put the dress on. Lacing up the corset takes time but it's because of the armor built into it. You asked your best friend from your hometown if he could possibly add armor in the folds of your dresses. He obliged and gave you the dresses back within a week. As you hoped, they were all decked out with armor. You hike up your skirt and slip on your favorite pair of running boots. They have a loop for holding weapons. So, you slide your trusty longsword into one one loops and in another loop, you add your dagger that your dad made you while he was still alive.
You exit the room, gathering all of your belongings in your bag, and head down to the main floor. You pay the clerk for the room and head to the stables. As  you look around the small town, you notice a poster. It reads
           DEAD OR ALIVE.
The result of capture of this dangerous criminal, Jessamine Kopf, will give you the benefit of the capture.
Reward $10,000 if alive, $5,000 if dead.

Oh schist. You hurry up to the stables. You get there and unhook your already tacked up horse and head out of the stables. You spot two guards and try to act casual. There are two ways out. Left or right, which way to go?

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