on the run

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"I'm sorry, but I will have to decline. Have a nice day" You say as you walk out of the stable. Ugh, I feel horrible now! You hear your stomach gargle and you realize just how hungry you are. Looking around you spot a little pub and decide to head in. As soon as you step in, the smell of whiskey and drunk men. Struting to the counter, you notice the men staring at you. As yoh approach the bar, the bartender greets you. "What can I get for you today madam?"
"The finest whiskey you have." you say as you eye a man down.
The glass full the the golden brown whiskey goes down with a clunk. You raise the glass tk your lips and sip on the golden whiskey. You look around and notice a man. He sticks out like a sore thumb. His hair, a golden brown, his broad shoulders that support a heavy jacket. He sees you, gets up, and walks over to you. You feel your heart pounding. Why am I so nervous? There is nothing to be afraid of!
"Why the hell are you here?" The man asks, his green eyes staring into yours.
You stutter a reply. "Uh, be-because I can." Gaining confidence, you reply again. "Why the hell are you questioning me?"
"You may not know me but I know you."  The man replys. "I'm Roan, Roan O'conner. You are Jessamine Kopf, most wanted criminal in the whole world."
You look star-struck at him. "uh-uh, Ho-how did you know?"
"Come with me, I can tell you."
Do I go or not?

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