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"P-please! Spare me," the man cried to the girl towering over him.

"You shouldn't have messed with us then. Don't worry though, it'll all be over soon." the girl softly replied. She flexed her wrists and the pendant in her headband glowed. A knife materialized in her open palm, and she pointed at the cowering man. His screams echoed across the forest as the knife pierced his shoulder.

"Quit screaming already," a voice complained. He too flexed his wrist and the pendant on his chest glowed. A dagger hovered inches from his face, and the boy swiftly plunged the knife into his chest. The man's blood splattered across his face as he withdrew his knife.

"You didn't have to be so quick about it, Dipper," the girl said turning to face the boy.

"Shut it Mabel. You were the one who missed." Dipper replied harshly. The girl named Mabel scowled. She wiped the blood from her face and admired her reflection in the knife. She had long chestnut hair along with bright green eyes and long eyelashes. She was wearing a black leotard and brown stockings underneath. She wore a blue vest with matching  blue heels and a matching blue headband. On her headband was a green pendant that matched her eyes. The boy named Dipper was wearing a black shirt with a blue vest and matching blue pants. He also had a green pendant on his chest that matched his eyes also.

"Dipper, did you hear that Reverse Falls would be receiving some guests this summer?" Mabel questioned.

Dipper only sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yes. This will be their first time arriving here," he replied clearly uninterested.

"You don't seem to get excited about anything. All you care about is that stupid book," Mabel remarked. "Speaking of that book... Will!" In a flash of light a blue triangle appeared next to Mabel. He had chains around his arms and legs and wore a miserable expression.

"Y-yes? W-w-what w-would you l-like me t-to d-do?" Will stuttered.

"Dispose of this body, and don't forget to leave the mark." Mabel ordered pointing at the dead corpse. Will nodded and chanted slowly, drawing marks on the forest floor. In a flash of blue light, the body leaving behind a giant triangle insignia. Mabel nodded satisfied, and Will disappeared. "Let us go, brother dear. We should have enough time to prepare for our new visitors." Mabel said and walked out the forest with Dipper behind her. Both were smiling, having successfully prevented any information escape from Reverse Falls.

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