Welcome to Reverse Falls

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Pacifica checked over her supplies one last time before leaving. She wanted to make sure she had everything packed before her trip. She and her cousin Gideon were going to visit their uncle in Reverse  Falls. At first she was reluctant to go, since she had never met her uncle, but was okay after hearing Gideon would be joining her. 

At least I'll know somebody. Pacifica thought.

She fastened her blonde hair in a ponytail, grabbed her bag and walked out her room to the bus stop. 


Gideon was already waiting for her once she reached the bus stop. He waved to her, and she hurried forward to greet him. To most people, it was hard to tell they were related. With her family having a history of blonde or brunette hair. Gideon was the odd one out with his naturally white hair.

"Are you excited Pacifica? It's hard to believe we're both meeting our uncle for the first time," Gideon said.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. My mom said he was really nice." Pacifica replied. Gideon still looked nervous, but nodded and continued to look for the bus. It was around nightfall when the bus finally arrived. The driver opened the door silently and the 2 cousins stepped on. 

"Don't you think the driver looks a little creepy. He kinda reminds me of a corpse." Gideon said shivering. It was true though. The driver had hollow cheeks and sunken eyes. He moved silently as he maneuvered the bus across the road. Pacifica looked out the window, and took in the changing scenery. The city was slowly morphing into an overgrown forest and the moon was high in the sky.

I wonder what it'll be like once we get there. Pacifica pondered. She turned to talk to Gideon, but he was fast asleep.

By the time they arrived, it was almost morning. "Hey Gideon, wake up. We're here." Pacifica said shaking him awake. They grabbed their bags, hopped off the bus, and walked to the town. 


The town was deserted when they arrived, so they were able to clearly see the shack they were staying at. It struck Pacifica as odd that there was nobody there to greet them, but then she figured it was too early for anyone to be awake. She was wrong. As they walked deeper into the town, they both got the strange feeling, someone was watching them. Pacifica shrugged it off and continued to walk ahead, until she bumped into someone. "Oh. I'm sorry." Pacifica apologized backing up. In the moonlight she could see the outlines of two mysterious figures.

"Oh, it's no problem." a voice replied. The two figures walked into the moonlight and now both cousins  could see them clearly. They were clearly twins, from the way they resembled each other and how close they stood. The girl was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with a matching skirt. The boy was wearing the same attire, except for black pants. Both were wearing bright blue vests, and from their posture the cousins could tell they were important people.

"You must be our new guests coming to stay for the summer. I'm so glad you could make it here." The girl said taking long strides and embracing them in a hug. 

"Um, who are you guys?" Gideon asked taking a step back. Pacifica noticed that the boy smirked at Gideon's question. The girl however, placed a hand over her mouth in surprise.

"How rude of me! I'm Mabel and this is my twin brother Dipper." The girl replied pushing her brother up close to the cousins. Pacifica awkwardly waved, while Gideon stood behind her.

"Well, I'm Pacifica and this is my cousin Gideon. We're staying over here for the summer to visit our Uncle." Pacifica said introducing her and her cousin.

"Aww. Your so cute and chubby. You remind me of a pig." Mabel remarked with an animalistic grin. Pacifica raised an eyebrow while Dipper snickered, and  that helped Pacifica to make up her mind, and decided to leave. Grabbing her cousins hand, she waved goodbye to the twins and dragged him deeper into the woods. They walked in total silence, not once looking back and finally saw what looked liked a rundown shack.

"Well this is the place." Pacifica said examining a picture.

"Don't you think this is odd? What if our uncle is some crazy madman?" Gideon said refusing to go any further.

"Don't be such a scaredy cat." Pacifica replied and walked up to the door. No sooner had she pressed her hand to the wood, then she was dragged inside along with Gideon. Wriggling in her captives arms, Pacifica heard the sound of the door locking and the blinds being closed. She tried to scream, only for her scream to be muffled by a hand over her mouth. Finally having enough, Pacifica bit into her attackers hand and jumped away. 

"What is going on?!" Pacifica nearly screamed. She found Gideon's hand in the dark and pressed herself against the wall. Gideon whimpered and pressed himself closer to Pacifica while they waited hesitantly. In the darkness they heard the flipping of a switch and a loud buzzing filled the air. The room was suddenly filled with a dull glow and they could clearly see who the person was. To Pacifica, he resembled Gideon in numerous ways. His hair was a light brown, and he had buck teeth with a large yellow cap on top of a frizzy mass of hair. Pacifica could tell from his expression that he was just as startled as they were.

"Shhh. Please calm down, I didn't mean to startle you." the man apologized. Something in Pacifica's brain clicked.

"You're our uncle, right. We're staying with you over the summer." Pacifica said walking over to her uncle. The man nodded and she relaxed, he matched the description her mom gave her. Gideon still seemed uneasy but realized the man gave off no hostility.

"Why are you in this shack by yourself?" Gideon wondered looking around. Their uncle sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's hard to trust anyone in this town. It's best to be by yourself." He answered looking around. Pacifica  looked around, the shack was decent, but she could see the wood peeling and places where the windows had cracked. She yawned and realized how tired she was. "Y'all must be tired riding that bus for so long. I'll show you your rooms." he said grabbing their luggage. Pacifica and Gideon followed him up the stairs  and to a room at the end of the hall. Inside were two beds and a large window overlooking the lawn.

"Thank you uncle. I think we'll sleep here for a while." said Gideon taking their luggage back. Their uncle nodded and Pacifica took her bag. Placing it on the bed, she layer down next to it and fell asleep.

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