Capitulo 4.

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Me desperte y me puse unos jeans y un crop top rosa y unos converse blancas.Me alise el pelo.Me lo deje suelto.

-Venga lenta.

-Ya voy Summerall.-cogi mi mochila,con la camara de video,la musica y nos fuimos.Fuimos a la montaña.Puse mi camsra de video.

Yo:Flashing lights and we, took a wrong turn and we
Fell down the rabbit hole
You held on tight to me
Cause nothing's as it seems
Spinning out of control
Didn't they tell us don't rush into things
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me
Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds
Didn't it all seem new and exciting
I felt your arms twisting around me
I should've slept with one eye opened at night

We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And we pretended it could last forever
We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And life was never worse but never better
In wonderland
In wonderland

So we went on our way
Too in love to think straight
All alone or so it seemed
But there were strangers watching
And whispers turned to talking
And talking turned to screams
Flashing lights and we, took a wrong turn and we
Fell down the rabbit hole
You held on tight to me
Cause nothing's as it seems
Spinning out of control
Didn't they tell us don't rush into things
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me
Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds
Didn't it all seem new and exciting
I felt your arms twisting around me
I should've slept with one eye opened at night

We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And we pretended it could last forever
We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And life was never worse but never better
In wonderland
In wonderland

Hay:So we went on our way
Too in love to think straight
All alone or so it seemed
But there were strangers watching
And whispers turned to talking
And talking turned to screamsDidn't they tell us don't rush into things
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me
Didn't you call my fears with the cheshire cat's smile
Didn't it all seem new and exciting
I felt your arms twisting around me
It's all fun and games 'til somebody loses their mind

We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And we pretended it could last forever
We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And life was never worse but never better
In wonderland
In wonderland

I reach for you
But you were gone
I knew I had to go back home
You searched the world for something else to make you feel like what we had
And in the end in wonderland we both went mad

Los dos:We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And we pretended it could last forever
We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And life was never worse but never better
We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And we pretended it could last forever
We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And life was never worse but never better

In wonderland

-Muy bien.-chocamos los cinco.Una vez grabada la cancion y eso,nos hicimos fotos.Algunas juntos.Despues volvimos a casa.Edite el video y lo subi a mi cuenta.Llamada Katty Sings.Subi el video.Subi una foto a instagram en la que saliamos Hay y yo sentados dandonos la espalda,pero nos cogiamos las manos.Puse:
Trabajando con este niño,You & I are lost in wonderland.

El le dio mg,y puso.

Nosotros solos,en el Pais de las maravillas,sin nadie mas♥♥.


Siento no haber podido actualizar la novela hasta hoy.

KIDS LOVE(Hayden Summerall)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora