Chapter 7

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Sitting on the plain grassy ground, listing to the best guitar notes ever heard, rocking feet and head at the melody and exchanging smiles like two moons on one planet; the feeling was awesome!

Her sudden and random hums only added to the ability of Chanyeol's music piece, fluttering one's heart. Their personally owned audience seemed to be melting with each note accompanied by Soul bi's hums. Sometimes she would even create perfect lyrics to add, during the little humming she occasionally did.

Chanyeol always liked to create some personal music pieces for his exo members and the piece he was sharing with the small crew of audience he had in front of him right now, was the one of those pieces. A special occasion or just wanting to brighten up his their mood would cause these confidential pieces to be revealed. The special occasion wasn't the case that time; suddenly wanting to see his exo members' faces more bright because of his music was the urge for this.

Considering the fact that, Chanyeol wanted to do it for Soul bi too this time was a heartwarming occasion as well. Sitting right in the middle of one of the grassy lawns at their photo shoot site and listening to Chanyeol's piece was only bonding their hearts together more strongly.
How good their days been after meeting Soul bi. Everyone could feel Minseok's happiness. He really loved Soul bi as his sister and so did Yixing. Yixing always been a caring and selfless guy but after openly accepting Cara as a member of their group, he couldn't be more happier. He would eat when Cara ate. He would remind her to take her medicines though he himself kept on forgetting taking his vitamins. He would help her carrying her luggage as she wasn't yet recovered and nobody wanted her to do anything unnecessary.

Everything he did Cara would love it and only he and Minseok were allowed by her to change her dressing over her wounds. D.O on the other hand caressed her like a flower that would fall anytime if he didn't pay attention. He loved cooking with her; he loved smiling for her because she liked his smile. He loved hitting people for her especially Chanyeol and Baekhyun when they tried to pull pranks on her. He was like a guardian of Cara whom Cara took as her own personal 'Suho'.

The rest had their own ways to take care of her as well and it only added to the 'building' strength in their relationship. Kyungsoo smiled.

He looked up and Cara was smiling with her closed eyes, humming and snapping with the help of thumb and middle finger according to the notes and hums of her own. His faint smile widened and he dropped his gaze on the grass again. Everything was good and her presence was like a cool breeze during their exhausting and suffocating schedule. There were no signs of the hard time they went through at first because of her. Now they only knew one thing and it was, they loved her company and taking caring of her. Just a week that had passed after that incident with her and everything went smoothly after that like magic. Kyungsoo liked it, everybody liked it, and Exo loved it!

Kai loved it the most.

He studied her milky small features, glittering in sweet sunshine of winter. Her smiling face, her calm features, her extremely long lashes, thin dull orange cream lips- he saw her putting her head on Chanyeol's shoulder and he inwardly fidgeted. With those closed eyes, she couldn't really figure out what bothered Kai and brought smiles on everyone's face. Chanyeol inhaled the scent of her blonde hair and smiled. She was cold against his jacket. He could feel it and he felt it every time, when she touched him or played around with him –but he got the feeling that nobody ever touched him the way she did. Her body was cold but he never got the chills during this whole week instead he felt warmth entering his body from the cold touches of hers. Like it felt this time and he kissed the scalp of her head with a warm smile.

Everyone smiled warmly and Cara smiled with her closed eyes still sitting in that position oblivious of Kai's internal growls towards Chanyeol. She loved this little family of hers and she loved them as her bothers except the certain one whom she still couldn't name her relationship with.

The music coming out of Chanyeol's guitar strings slowly died down and everyone clapped cheerfully. Cara opened her eyes slowly and smiled at the little crew. Kai's heart did a little flip-flop at her stunt she just did with his heart and instantly looked away, not wanting to be spell bound by the heart throbbing view in front of his eyes.

Baekhyun laughed as soon as they finished their performance and Jong-dae clapped his hands with a click of his tongue at the upper internal surface of his mouth only to get everyone's attention.

Kyungsoo titled his head at this and Sehun rolled his eyes on him as if they both knew what he would do next.

"That's my place to do that Soul bi!" Baekhyun yelled, pointing at the position Soul bi was in, leaning her head on Chanyeol's shoulder, with his index finger of left hand. Everyone titled their heads at the lame joke of Baekhyun but Soul bi laughed a little and Chen interrupted before she could respond more.

"I think, we should go with 'Chanbi' concept instead of Chanbaek"

Chen trolled and Chanyeol who was about to laugh suddenly gulped at the most murderous look Kyungsoo (ever mustered) gave him and Kai darted his gaze at Jong-dae.

"I like Chansoo better". Soul bi suggested and Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at this.

"Why are you guys trying to snatch my partner" Kai faked gritting his teeth at Soul bi and she laughed whole-heartedly. Another heart fluttering scene and with shifting his gaze to nowhere Kai groaned inwardly.

"I'm not interested in you Baeky, I think soo is better"

Chanyeol tried to crack a joke and Baekhyun jumped at him like a hungry wolf making everyone laugh in unison.

"You already cheated on me with soul bi and now you want soo, you cheat"

Baekhyun cried and Kai agreed.

"Right, don't try to get my soo hyung"

"Gosh, you little brats"

Kris growled and Soul bi smiled. Kyungsoo was just spacing out, out of habit or else he would've murdered the people who were fighting over him.

"Hyung, ask Baekhyun hyung, he's already cheating on Chanyeol hyung," Soul bi started and everyone looked at the hungry wolf trying to get his long nails on Chanyeol and the wolf in him died at once because of the looks his pack gave him. Soul bi and Kyungsoo inwardly smiled. "He already has a girlfriend"

As soon as Soul bi finished, Baekhyun gritted his teeth at soul bi and shook furiously to deny what Cara had just stated but who would believe him.

"I don't have a girlfriend hyungs"

Baekhyun cried but Chanyeol grabbed him from his collar and jolted him in a split of a second.
"You cheated on me and yet you complained" He faked out a hurt look and everyone looked at Baekhyun with a 'Serves you right' look. Soul bi laughed rolling on the ground like a roller. "It's alright because I've already my eyes on Soul bi"

Chanyeol finished with that and soul bi jolt lifted her body up from the ground. He released Baekhyun and looked at soul with a fake 'lover' look. Soul bi didn't know why but she felt a laughter bubbling in her stomach like a storm but she held it back maintaining her ever green cold expression.

"But I'm not interested in you hyung," Soul bi said with a serious face but the crew in front of them couldn't stop their laughter. Chanyeol felt humiliated right away with his elves like ear tips reddening and it was getting more and more difficult for soul bi to hold back her laughter at the view. "Bear with your cheater boyfriend"

The crew went wild at Cara's finishing line and Baekhyun look murderously at Soul bi for calling him Cheater. Like Cara cared, she just rolled her eyes at him.

"Soul bi you 'seduction package'!"

Baekhyun yelled and everyone titled his or her heads at Baekhyun's blunt talking habit but before they could respond more, Soul bi was running with Baekhyun chasing her in front of their eyes. Kyungsoo threw his head on his hands and Lu han scratched his head with a little smile on his face reflecting the smile on Yixing's face. Minseok titled his head and Chanyeol laughed along with soul bi and Baekhyun as well. Kai looked away in annoyance at the chasing play of Baekhyun and Soul bi with their laughter roaring around. Sehun just pursed his lips in a thin line out of habit and Tao pouted as if he wanted to play with them too. Kris only sighed!

He missed Joon myeon a lot during this week because only he could control these little nuisances. Kris never felt he was a leader when he was in china doing their activities separately because all members of exo-m always acted like gentlemen. However, every time they were around exo-K they would love to act like little kids. Especially controlling Joon myeon's kids was really difficult because they always liked to play around and Kris had to maintain his cool and calm image. He couldn't raise his voice to stop them and they won't stop until Joon myeon would run behind them to stop them. What a responsibility these kids were especially since they got along really well with Cara. This week was really hard on him but Cara's gummy smile (with a dimple resembling Yixing's), when she would smile trying to part her lips reminded him of his and he instantly melted at that every time.

Cara knew how much Kris cared for her more than he cared for Tao. He treated her like a little kid and spoiled her despite the fact, he always told Suho not to spoil the kids this much. Therefore, because of this reason, she acted like a spoiled kid and took advantage of Kris' love.

"I'm going to kill you soul bi, you just wait"

Baekhyun tried to threaten her and she just laughed in response running and looking back occasionally towards him.

"Catch me first hyung".

Cara dared him and Chen joined them running almost close to soul bi, making Baekhyun gasp in surprise. His short legs couldn't really beat Chen's, he stopped and hit the ground with his one leg like a little annoyed kid. Soul bi and Chen laughed at him still running and chasing each other now. Tao left his place to join them and Baekhyun ran around in circles, later, like a little starfish he spread his limbs, spun around and threw himself on the grassy ground.

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