To Be an A.N.JELL

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"Oppa!" Mi Nyu whispered, knocking on his door, "oppa!" She continued. The sound of birds could be heard outside of the large, white house. The sun had already gone out, and somewhere, sitting on a bedside table, was a digital clock flashing the hour 7:26 AM. Mi Nyu had gotten into the habit of waking up at around 6:45 - it was at this precise hour that Mother Superior warned her to wake up for the morning service, or she would have cleaning duty for the rest of her life. Thus, Mi Nyu had gotten into the habit of waking up at this hour; no matter how early or late she fell asleep.

"Oppa!" She knocked again. Mi Nam was a particularly heavy sleeper, so she could understand why she couldn't reach him at all, but this was ridiculous. The sound of a doorknob being turned shocked Mi Nyu, and she quickly spun around, only to meet Shin Woo scratching his face. Mi Nyu couldn't help it - she still found him extremely handsome, even in his sleepy, just-got-out-of-bed state. His brown hair was tousled, and he stood in his sweatpants and pyjama shirt. As soon as he saw Mi Nyu, however, his eyes widened and he became more aware.

"Huh? Mi Nyu? Why are you awake so early?" Shin Woo asked, "are you going somewhere?" He noticed that she already had tidied her hair and was dressed for the day in boyfriend jeans, a t-shirt and a cardigan. Mi Nyu blushed, clearly embarrassed.

"I...I just woke up early...for work." She replied quietly.

Shin Woo raised an eyebrow, "why? Work only starts at ten." Mi Nyu could feel herself flush even further.

"Oh." She replied sheepishly, her cheeks reddening even further, "I'm also an early bird so I like waking up early!" She quickly said. Shin Woo couldn't help himself, he chuckled at her cuteness.

"I see. You're like me, then." He smiled at her, receiving another blush from her, "would you like to come have some breakfast with me, then? I could make you the tea I make every morning." He suggested, motioning to the stairs, "the others never wake up early so I always have tea alone."

Mi Nyu hesitated a little, "I need to wake up my oppa. Or else we'll all be late for work. Even if it starts later on." She said. Shin Woo smiled.

"It's alright. Jeremy is always on time - there's no way that your brother won't wake up." He slightly touched her arm, sending electric currents up and down her body, "just come have breakfast. I make the best tea in the world." It was a bold claim, but Shin Woo had yet to learn about the pretty girl in front of him, and if convincing her that he made the best tea would allow him to speak to her more, he would do it. Mi Nyu hesitated, but eventually relented and followed him downstairs.

Birds chirped outside, happily signaling the beginning of the day. As Mi Nyu sat down by the kitchen counter, Shin Woo stood by the cupboards, grabbing traditional cups and a tea pot. He also grabbed the tea from a box near him and started heating water. Mi Nyu stared at his broad back and couldn't help but notice how under the thin long sleeved shirt, he seemed to be defined, yet a tad skinny. He was also impossibly tall; not as tall as Tae Kyung, but still taller than most boys she had met. Him turning around and placing the mug in front of her snapped her out of her reverie as she furiously blushed at his smile. Had she been checking him out?

"I can't believe the president is making you work so quickly even though you've only just signed the contract." Shin Woo started, wrapping his hands around the warm cup, "I'm sure Mi Nam was ready to work but you didn't even choose this life until Tae Kyung..." He paused, staring at her face, searching for the same sadness as yesterday's. However, she smiled instead, staring into her tea cup.

"I'm upset that I couldn't do what I want, but I care about my brother too much. He's done many things for me in the past; so just being able to help him makes me happy." She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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