Angel Voices

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The bright colours and adverts of buildings decorated the city of Seoul. Fashionable men and women walked with confident steps. Teenage girls in high school uniforms giggled at magazines and handsome boys, while those boys were casually giving them flirty glances. There seemed to be many teenage girls in uniforms, especially outside a certain building. Quiet teenage girls with fans, fake angel wings and angel headbands on their heads, all looking very bored. In front of these teenage girls, right outside the building came a small car. Three people came out of it; a middle aged man with glasses, who seemed to have gone through much stress, a young brown haired man with a leather jacket, a white shirt, black pants and white sneakers, who looked both friendly and unfriendly at the same time, and a pretty, gentle looking young woman with long hair, a white dress, a blue cardigan and simple white shoes. The only thing different was that the young man and woman looked exactly the same, except of course, for their gender.

"Oppa," the young girl started, looking at who seemed to be her twin, "do you really think it's alright for me to be here? Are you sure I won't distract you?" She asked, frowning slightly. The young man sighed, although a look of amusement on his face.

"Noona, you asked this the whole way we came here. You're my moral support, and this is one of the key moments in my life! We haven't found Eomma yet, so you have to come to the most important moments in my life." He went to pet his sister's head, and she smiled gently.

"You always know what to say, Oppa." She replied. The young man smiled back at her, and turned to the building. A.N Productions showed clearly on the side.

"Go Mi Nam," a voice cut through his daze, "we have to go know. President Ahn hates late people, and since you're new and all..." The middle aged man explained, going in front of them.

"Tch, listen to yourself, Manager Ma. Last time for my audition, he looked pretty nice." Go Mi Nam, the young man said crossing his arms across his chest.

"He's scarier than you think. Let's hurry and go. Sister, please follow us." He turned to the young girl. She smiled.

"Okay, but please just call me Go Mi Nyu...I'm still a sister in training after all." She said, a still smile on her face. Manager Ma blinked, then turned back to the building and motioned for the both of them to follow him. As Mi Nyu walked passed the high school teenaged girls, she could not help but feel their heated gazes on her. Murmurs like, "who is she and why is she going in?" Could be heard around her. Mi Nyu continued to walk forward, although uncomfortable.


"Ah! Here is my angel voice! Perfect! Go Mi Nam, ladies and gentlemen." A man with a big smile came to greet them in his office. Mi Nam walked in with a confident smile, while his sister entered the room with curious steps.

"President Ahn," Mi Nam nodded, "nice to see you again."

President Ahn gave him another bright smile, "nice to see you too." He then saw Mi Nyu behind him, and cocked his head to the side, "Aigoo, this girl looks exactly like you! Is this the sister you talked about?"

"Yeah, this is my twin sister, Go Mi Nyu. She came here because it's one of my most important moments. Noona, this is President Ahn." Mi Nam pulled his sister's hand forward. Mi Nyu stumbled, then smiled brightly at the older man.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, President Ahn. I thank you very much for working with my brother." She then bowed respectfully. President Ahn seemed bewildered, but then fascinated.

"Aigoo, this girl! So polite and poised! And she's a pretty girl too! Mi Nam-ah, if I knew that you had a sister like this, I would have introduced her to my son!" He guffawed and slapped Mi Nam's shoulder. Mi Nam rolled his eyes.

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