The Proof is in the Pudding

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Chapter 1

Harry's P.O.V.

He loves me, I love him, I don't see the problem. There wasn't one until management got involved. Why do they always get involved? We were happy together, isn't that what's important? Nothing lasts forever, as I now know. Now that she's involved it's like there isn't room for me. The boys accept her but I can't, I just can't. She took him away from me, and now I'm only a shell of what I used to be. Since when was love so complicated?

We can't even hardly have a friendship now. We can't sit next to each other during interviews or even talk to each with cameras around. But even when the cameras aren't around he gives me the cold shoulder. He never calls me Hazza anymore, it's always Harry or Harold. Not only that but he doesn't let me hug him or touch him. He always pushes me away.

Management ruined my life. We were meant to love not hide. Why did this have to happen to us?

The boys were on my side at first, all four of them. But once Lou started spending time with Eleanor even when he didn't have to, he never stood up for us when the conversation was brought up. He started bringing Eleanor around more often, she even came on tour with us.

She would fall asleep giggling almost every night while I laid there listening in despair, not being able to handle their love but not being able to stop myself from listening either.

The other boys gradually allowed her to take over too. They would play video games with her, talk to her, they seemed to forget that there was a broken boy left behind and suffering because of this girl.

She's tried to talk to me, tried to giggle and joke but all I can do is roll my eyes and walk away. I want to tell her "Stop," and "Can't you see what you've caused?" No matter how much I wanted to I can't because I knew all that would do is hurt my Boobear and that's the last thing I want.

So I contained myself. It was hard and still is, but now I'm becoming numb to a pain I thought I would never have to feel. Management said they did what they thought was best, and sent me to a therapist to deal with my emotions.

I was told to keep quiet about the appointments. So every week on Wednesday I leave the house without a word. The worst part is I don't have to say a word, nobody asks where I'm going.

My mum and my sister both know what I'm doing, management allowed me to tell them. Every Wednesday once my appointment ends I get a phone call from one of them.

The worst part about the therapist is the medication he's making me take. Anti-depressants the bottle reads. They don't help, they aren't for the right thing. Of course there isn't medication to help heal a broken heart now is there?

Today I rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. After taking a shower I looked at myself in the mirror. I had huge bags under my eyes and my skin was so pale that I could be considered transparent. I grimaced and walked into my bedroom. After changing into some sweats and an old T-Shirt I grabbed my phone off of the bedside table.

I unlocked my phone and I saw that I had a message. After clicking on the app I read the message.

'We're having a movie night tonight. The boys are gonna be here. Try and make it, everyone is going to Liam's and it starts at 6. If you have plans cancel them, we all need some time to catch up. I'll see ya there Haz


I sighed. It's been a long time since we had a boys night. Today's Wednesday though, I have to be are the therapist's office by 5:30 and I don't leave until 8.

The boys wanna have a boys night, skipping one appointment wouldn't hurt right? I'll go tonight, hopefully all goes well.

I walked downstairs after putting some sunglasses on. It was still kinda dark outside, what time is it?

I looked at my phone, it's 10:30 A.M. so why is it so dark? Then I heard one thing I absolutely dreaded, thunder. I whimpered slightly before wrapping my arms around myself and walking into the living room.

I stopped dead in my tracks once I got there. Of course Eleanor was here since Lou and I shared a flat, but did she always have to have her god damn tongue shoved down his throat?

I stood there for a minute then decided it didn't matter because he loved her now. I bit my cheek to keep quiet and decided to leave. Before I could move though I heard another clap of thunder, but this time it was louder.

I couldn't stop the whimper from escaping my lips and as soon as it did, two pairs of eyes settled on me.

"Oh..hi Harry..." Eleanor said in an awkward tone. "I was just..ugh..keeping Louis distracted from the sto-"

"Save it. It doesn't matter anyway." I said before grabbing my jacket of of the love seat and my car keys off of the t.v. stand.

"Where are you going?" An angelic voice asked me. Louis hadn't talked to me in weeks, why now?

"Does it matter?" I asked through gritted teeth. I hated being mean to him but I knew I had to in order to keep my composure.

"Kind of does." He said in a quiet tone.

"I'm leaving since I'm obviously not welcome in my own flat." I said while walking out of the door.

It was pouring so I slipped on my jacket and kept walking to my car. Only after I had backed out of the driveway and headed down the street did I let the tears silently fall down my cheeks.

This is how I have to live now, and I can't stand it. I don't know where I'm going but as long as it's away from them I don't care.


"People like us, 

We have to stick together. 

Keep your head up babe, 

They can't keep us apart forever." 

-Louis Tomlinson 


A/N: The quote wasn't really said by Louis but it plays a huge part in the story line. Opinions on the story? Should I continue?

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