Chapter 2: Part One

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Harry's P.OV.

I sighed and pulled into the parking lot of the ordinary-looking office building. For a building holding therapy sessions to help the depressed, it sure doesn't look the part.

I walked inside quickly trying to keep from getting anymore soaked than I already was. Once I stepped inside I shook my hair to try and dry it off a bit. Of course, it didn't help much.

I walked towards the reception desk and read the name tag of the person I had yet to see there before. 'Jack'. Huh, I didn't know a new guy was coming to work here.

I lightly rasped my knuckle on the desk to grab his attention. He looked up and his cheeks flushed. "I-uh-sorry I didn't see you there. I was finishing some paper work. Sorry sir." He said and I noticed that his cheeks were tinted quite pink by now.

I shook my head. "S'alright. The name is Styles. Harry Styles. I'm here for my appointment with Dr. Tag." I mumbled and watched Jack type away at his computer.

"Okay. Harry Styles, found it. Uh it says here that your appointment isn't until 5:30 p.m. It's only 11:30 in the morning sir." Jack said before looking up at me.

"Yes, but things came up with my band and I have to get in this afternoon or I won't be able to make it this evening. Is Dr. Tag with a patient right now?" I asked as politely as possibly although my temper was mounting slowly. I didn't have the time to deal with this.

"She is actually, let me call her and let her know you're here, alright?" He asked while he grabbed his phone and smiled at me.

I nodded meekly and stepped away from the reception desk slightly. "Thanks." I replied quietly.

Jack nodded while dialing Dr. Tag's number.

I fidgeted nervously as Jack spoke with Dr. Tag. I glanced back at him and moved to sit in a chair in the waiting room.

"She is on her lunch break for 15 more minutes, but after that she said she would gladly see you." Jack replied in a perky voice. How could he be such a perky person in such a depressing place?

I nodded and slipped my hand into my jacket pocket. My empty medicine bottle was sat in my pocket. I sighed and bowed my head as I ran through my plan of action multiple times in my head.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the quiet yet slightly high-pitched voice of Dr. Tag. "Harry, I will see you now if you'd like."

I stood and followed Dr. Tag to her office. I knew this office, actually the whole building, like the back of my hand. What a shame, being that as it was not one of the boys knew I had ever been here before.

"So Harry," she began once we had gotten seated in her office, "how may I be of help to you today?"

I fumbled slightly while reaching into my jacket pocket. "Well Doc, I know you told me not to give up on the anti-depressants and to finish taking my prescription. I have done so, but I feel like they were not strong enough to actually help with anything but numbing my pain even more."

I handed her the empty bottle and she examined it. "Well Harry, it is only mild medication. We can put you on something stronger, but there are many risks with the medication I would prescribe for you."

I nodded. "I understand. But I would like results as much as you would, and the mild meds just weren't cutting it." I replied.

She nodded and grabbed a pad of paper with a pen. "Alright. You will have to get this prescription as the pharmacy at your local grocer, but be warned, an O.D. with this medication is very easy. One or two slip-ups and that could be it Harry. It's very high risk." She glanced at me worriedly and I nodded, hiding all emotions.

She handed me the slip of paper. "The pharmacists will be able to tell you, based on your previous prescriptions, the proper doses. I have a patient scheduled in five minutes. I hope you get better Harry." I nodded again and rose from my chair at the same time that she did.

As I reached the door and pulled it open she reminded me shortly yet again. "Harry, no funny business. There is a serious death threat with any bit of improper use of this medication."

I thanked her quietly and walked out into the hallway. I looked down at the paper and shook my head. The medication wouldn't help in the way she thought, but what I had in mind would surely work with the multiple warnings she had given me.


A/N: Chapter two will be in two parts, this is only part one!

What do you think Harry is planning? Poor Harry :'(

So sorry it's short, the second part WILL be longer!!

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 24, 2014 ⏰

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