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You arrive at school late, which is not surprising. You thought you were experiencing a bad day all along when the lecturer of Quantum Physics walks in and says you have a surprise test that constitutes 50 % of your final assessment for the year. Hot tears like larva begin to roll down your face. You begin to remember that even the times when you prepared for Quantum Physics the whole night, you barely struggled to pass the 50% threshold mark. As the tears continue to roll, you begin to imagine if the devil had actually followed you to class that day. Nobody opposes or argues with the Quantum Physics lecturer concerning the test, you are not even surprised about this, your class is full of Asians and those that are not Asians, are mixed breed of Asians still. You are so weak, you manage to mutter "bastards". Aha, that gives you life and hope that there are still good things in the world.

The long 3 hour test begins, it is then your pen runs out of ink. You are happy, why should you be sad? You would fail the test anyway, so at least right now, you have gotten a befitting excuse for failure. Your lecturer realizes what you are going through and drops 2 royal pens on your table. This angers you because now you know that not only are you going to fail, you are going to fail in grand royal style. But then again, you manage to mutter "Bastard" and this gives you life.

You somehow manage to come out of the test hall without dying of depression, but then you meet that death at the cafeteria when you realize you have left home without your debit card. You literally break down, a hungry man is an angry man but an angry hungry man is a wasted man. You decide you have had enough for the day and it was time to get home.

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