~~The Princess and the Guard~~

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~~Authors Note~~
Hi, I'm the author, you can call me Info-chan, Legacy-chan or Rockin Ruby. ^-^
If you try to copy my fanfiction I will come at your life. And I will find out we're you live and I will kill you. 😈
So please don't take my work!!!
I do not own the fabulous show Steven Universe because if I did Garnet, Ruby and Sapphire would be singing in like every episode and doing cute shit with each other.
Sorry if this is OOC. But don't be saying anything bad about me because their are other RubyXSapphire fanfics that are horrible too.
Well...... BYE hope you like it!
~~Ruby's~~ POV
I followed Blue Diamond's Pearl. She was taking Me and the two other Rubies to see the gem we are supposed to protect while they were at the ball/court meeting at the cloud arena. The Pearl had light blue skin and long messy periwinkle hair that covers her eyes in the fashion of her owner. Also she wore a periwinkle bodysuit with a diamond-shaped key hole neckline, a transparent and knee-length frost blue sheer tutu. I also took notice that she wore no shoes.
I had heard before I came, that the person I am supposed to protect is the most aristocratic member in the Gem Court. A Sapphire that had a special power to look into the future.
Then we stopped at the warp pad. The warp pad began to glow than I saw a beautiful Sapphire Gem, she wore a beautiful floor length dress, with a sheer lace illusion sleeveless bodice with a low neck line and ruched empire waist. I could also see that she was wearing glass slippers.
My face turned a darker red, I started burning the floor a little bit by an accident. I calmed myself down, my heat level going down as well.
" Sapphire, these are the Rubies that are going to protect/escort you." Blue Diamond's Pearl said. Then she walked away, probably going back to her Mistress.
The cloud arena was floating in the sky a couple of yards in the air from the earth. You also could see clouds past, it also had white marble floor. And their was music playing.
Everyone from Blue Diamond's court was their, talking about ways to capture the Rebels or dancing and hanging out. As we were walking the two other Rubies started fighting about who was going to beat up the Rebels.
"Oh, come on we'll all punch the rebels when we fuse. That why they sent all three of us." I said putting up three fingers, trying to get them to stop fighting because it was aggravation me and hurting my ears.
"Three this!" One of the Rubies said, then he punch me in my face. I fell backwards onto someone. I could here a crowd of Gems gasp.
Then I opened my eyes to see Sapphire below me. She put her hand on her bangs covering her face even more than it already was. But I got a glance at half of her face, she had a small nose and big plump lips and she had a faint dark blue blush on her cheeks. I wasn't able to see her eyes though.
So cute.......
That's when I came back into reality. I got off of her and helped her up.
"Oh, um.....I'm so sorry, it was an accident." I said shocked at what just happened.
"It's okay, it was bound to happen."
"I, um." I was completely lost for words. But I was able to manage a small 'Okay.'
Then I saw everyone gasp, I looked up away from Sapphire and saw that Blue Diamond just arrived. She was sitting in a carrier a window scarf on top of it. ( lol don't know what the thing she was sitting in called.)
The Pearl that took me to see Sapphire. Came out of the carrier and said "Sapphire come here, Blue Diamond would like to speak with you." Then she went back into the carrier.
"What here, I must attend to my duties."
"Yes, of course." Me and the two other Rubies said at the same time. We all went in are solider stance.
As Sapphire walked in front of us, and walked towards the carrier. Her dress swishing back in forth, my eyes watching her every move.
When she was about to go in she glanced at me. I instantly looked away my face heating up in embarrassment. She probably knew that I was staring at her. I looked back exactly when she went in.
~~Sapphire's~~ POV
"My Diamond, I have arrived." I said as I went into the carrier. I looked at Blue Diamond, she had navy blue skin that matched the body suit she was wearing with a cut out for her gem stone. She also wore a light shade of blue cloak over her clothes, covering her eyes.
"Sapphire, tell me what will happen here." She said putting her hand out signaling me to get closer to her. I walked closer to her and went on my knees, holding my hands together.
I closed my eye and started to look into the future, I felt a little dizzy. But I always felt dizzy when I looked into the future. It was nothing new.
It felt as if I was being ripped apart, as I was floating in an endless space. Then I saw the small clip that was the future. It always seemed like eternity too me, but really it was a couple of seconds.
I saw the Rebels attacking. Then destroying four Jaspers. Next I saw the Rubies fusing into one giant Ruby. They were about to punch the Rebel with fluffy pink hair. But then she took out her sword and beat the giant Ruby. Two of the rubies retreated back into their gems. Leaving the one that fell on me, on the ground. Then I watched as the Rebel that was a Pearl come an stab me, with two of her swords in front of the Ruby. Making me retreat into my gem. Then the Rebels were captured and bubbled.
I opened my eye, the dizziness going away. I took a deep breath and began to tell Blue Diamond about what I had seen.
"I foresee, the Rebels attacking the cloud arena. Before they are cornered, they will destroy the fiscal forms of seven gems. Including two of my Ruby guards and myself. Immediately after my form is destroyed, the rebels will be captured, the rebellion will end here."
"Thank you, Sapphire," Blue Diamond said relived,"that's all I needed to know."
"I look forward to speak with you again, after I reform again back on Homeworld." I said picking up the ends of my dress and bowing.
I felt relieved as I walked out of the carrier. I would never say this out loud but that women sacred me a bit.
I walked back to my Ruby guards. And stood next to the Ruby that fell on me.
I watched as Sapphire walked out of the carrie, she walked over too us Rubies and stood next to me. My heart started to beat faster at how close we was. And a little self couscous because wore a fabulous dress while I only wore a maroon tank top with matching headband and mid-thigh burgurdy shorts with maroon shoes. Then gems started dancing the waltz. The lights began to dim too. I but my hands together playing with my fingers, I was debating in my head if I should ask Sapphire to dance or not.
"Did you know that all of the higher-ups at these types of parties, have to dance to at least one song and if you don't your being rude to the Diamond Authorities." The Bluenette said to me.
"Yes I knew." I said wondering were she was getting at.
"So Ruby would you like to dance with me?" She said looking at me.
Wait what did she just ask me? I started debating in my head if this was real or fake.
"So yes or no Ruby?" She said a soft smile playing on her lips.
"Um...sure." I said still surprised that she a Sapphire just asked me a Ruby to dance.
She led me to the dance floor. She held my right hand with her left one sending shivers down my spine. Her hand was surprisingly cold. She put her right hand on my shoulder and I put my left hand on her hip, dangerously close to her butt.(😏 u know u want dat ass.)
We started dancing the music nice and slow. I kept looking at my feet, scared that I will mess up like I always do.
I could feel the eyes of the people in the court stare at us because Sapphires were very high in the social pyramid, they were right below Diamonds. And here was a Sapphire dancing with a Ruby and not with her own species.
"Ruby that's not how your supposed to dance, your suppose to look at your partner."
I forced myself to look up at Sapphire. Her cold, yet beautiful eyes looking into my steaming hot red ones. We began to sway to the music, but I was still nervous.
Suddenly Sapphire pulled me closer, her plump, blue, glossy lips dangerously close to my ear.
Then she whispered with her honey coated voice.
"Just relax."
Then she laid her head on my shoulder. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. My hot body warmed up her freezing cold one and her body cooling down my hot one.
Then she took her head off my shoulder, me instantly missing the feeling.
~~Sapphire's~~ POV
I felt a warm feeling form in my stomach as I rested my head on Ruby's shoulder.
I felt a special connection between me and Ruby. Even though I knew I was going to have to go *poof,* for the sake of Homeworld winning the war against the Rebels. I still didn't want this feeling to end.
I lifted my head up from Ruby's shoulder and saw her confused face. I gave her a soft smile. She smiled back at me. She was more relaxed now.
Then she twirled me around, my dress floating up a little bit. Then she pulled me even closer, molding are bodies together. We began to move are faces closer together. Their was no turning back now.
Suddenly there was a loud explosion in the middle of the arena.
I turned my face towards the sound.
Are faces got closer, are lips almost brushing against each other but then their was a loud explosion. I could feel the shaking of the arena under my feet.
Sapphire looked towards, were the sound come from.
Damn, I wanted to kiss her. But if I'd kissed her, Blue Diamond would have me shattered on the spot for kissing one of the members of her court.
I turned towards were the sound had came from too.
It was the Rebels!

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