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 Hey guys, enjoy❤!xx


 Emily's POV 

I woke up in Harry's room. I could hear faint snours coming from behind me. I slightly turned my head and saw Harry sleeping like a baby. I quietly got up out of bed, walked to the bathroom and shuved my hair up into a messy bun. That's better. I went back in to Harry's room, just in time for him waking up.

His eyes started to flutter open and when he saw me he had the biggest smile on his face. He slowely got out of bed and walked over to me. He pulled me closer and planted a kiss on my lips. 

"Hey babe, I'm going for a shower so you can go and get breakfast"

Without another word he swiftely walked into the bathroom, grabbing clean clothes on the way. Before he closed the door he winked at me and said "why are you so beautiful". I blushed a very dark pink colour. He shut the door and I skipped down the hall. When I got to the stairs I started jumping down them happily and then I hopped to the kitchen.

I finally got to the kitchen and Niall was cooking millions of food. He saw me and gave me a plate. I started fillng my plate up with bacon, sausage, eggs, toast and potato scones. I quietly went to the table to eat my breakfast. I was joined a minute later by Niall, then Harry came down with Louis and Liam. Last to come down was who was holding his mirror and fixing his hair. Harry sat on my right and Louis sat on my left. while Liam sat on Niall's right and Zayn on his left. 

We all just sat in silence for a while. Then suddenly Louis asked me and Harry how our date was.

"So how was the date last night you's two"

"Perfect and we are now an official couple" I replied and at the same time Harry replied by saying "amaZAYN". We all broke into fits of laughter, especially Niall who was rolling about on the floor. After we all gained control over ourselfs   Louis said "we have to get you's two a couple name". We all thought for a moment when Niall shouted "HEMILY OR HAILEY". We all agreed that they where good names for us. We were in the middle of a debate on which one we liked best when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" I quickly said.

I ran to the door and opened the it to find a tall girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes staring at  me. OMG IT'S AMY, I thought to myself. 

"Amy" I said almost as a whisper.

"Emily" She replied. 

"OMG IT'S REALLY YOU" we both said at the same time while jumping up and down excitedly. 

I can't believe I have my best friend back.


~I love you all my little directioners❤

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