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Yooo yall comment had me too weak! Yall hate Jamie! LOL

So i want to write a book from Lola's point of veiw. Who thinks i should do it?!

Happy Reading!

Anthony POV

Peyton hasnt been acting the same. I mean yeah we talk and we're back together but shes being distant. Like when we kiss its not there. I love her but i need to know whats up.

I walked down to her room in sweats and an v neck shirt. I had just got out the shower just thinking about stuff. I wanted Peyton to be with me but if she wasnt happy then ill have to let her go, no matter how much it hurts.

I knocked on the door only to be greeted by Zuri, her roommate. She gave me a worried look.

"Wheres Peyton Z? And dont lie because i know you know." Every time Peyton wasnt in her room Zuri would try to cover for her like she was her keeper. I honestly didnt need that right now.

"Shes with Taylor..They are in a class together and had a project." My forehead crinkled and i looked at her sideways.

"How and Peyton is a freshman and Taylor is a Junior?!"

"Did you forget that your girlfriend did AP classes since 9th grade and dual enrollment in 11th and 12th? You know she's classified as a Junior with one freshman class and thats English 101. Anthony...Taylor knows more bout your girl than you do and yall been together since her 11th grade year. Look i love yall together but at this rate she's going to end up in Taylors possession. Please...get her back."

i just nodded my head and walked to the library where i know they would be. That talk didnt make me feel any better. I knew i was fucking up and everybody telling me wasnt doing me justice. I swear hell would have to freeze over before i go down without a fight but then again shit's already half frozen.

I walked into the library on the main floor to find them in a corner. Peyton had her headphones in and making notes while Taylor just watched with adoring eyes. I shook my head and walked over to them. Taylor saw me but Peyton didnt.

"Wuddup man?" Taylor offered with a smile. I just gave him a head nod and tapped Peyton's shoulder. She looked up and snatched her headphones out her ear.

"Whats wrong Ant?" I squatted down beside her and let my hands rest on her hips.

"I just needed to see you to make sure youre okay..." She looked at me with a confused and worried expression on her face. She rubbed my cheek and i leaned into her hand loving the feel of her touch. I heard a low growl from Taylor and my head turned to give him a death glare.

I turned my attetion back to Peyton and started massaging her torso.

"Pey..can we talk when you get done here?" She gave me another confused look that was soon masked my bliss due to me rubbing on her stomach. She nodded her head yes and i kissed her forehead making my presence scarce.


Peyton POV

I watched Anthonys back as he left and instantly felt bad. I mean i just been so confused with this whole me kissing Taylor situation and then i have to see him more because of this damn project!

I heard Taylor mumble something about getting in the way and i put my headphones in but turned off the music. Knowing him he was going to talk out loud.

"Ugh! Its no use..she's in love with the dude!" he mumbled and frowned down at his paper drawing fiercely. Thats all he's been doing since we got here. I dont like a dumb ass dude and thats how he's acting. I see that my thoughts where wrong. I couldnt leave Ant for this dude! I mean yeah he's funny and cool but he doesnt compare to Anthony, at all. I shook my head and started wrapping up my notes.

"Hey Tay Tay are we done?" I started tapping my pen against my notebook watching him.

"Oh uh yeah we are. You got everything?" I nodded my head and started putting my things up along with the borrowed books. I got up and pushed my chair up to the table and slung my back pack over my shoulder. Taylor slid his hand to the small of my back and applied slight pressure. i shrugged his hand off and started down the steps.

"Woah woah woah Peyton come here!" I rolled my eyes and about faced to him. "Whats wrong? Like i thought we had something?"

I chuckled and glanced up at his 6'4 frame. (Yo yall MGK is freaking HUGE! -.- i hate tall people lol ) "Look maybe i gave off the wrong impression. I like you Tay Tay but im in love with Anthony. And i feel like ill always be in love with him. I just..i just cant shake it. Im sorry if i made things weird or lead you to believe something different i was just confused but i can see clearly." He just gave me a slight head nod and looked at the floor. I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek "Im sorry Tay Tay."

"Nah its cool babygirl. I should have never tired. I knew it was a lost cause." I shrugged off his comment and made my way to Anthonys room. Until i remembered Taylor was going to the same place. I stopped in my tracks making Taylor bum into me, almost making me fall.

I stepped to the side not sparing him a glance and called Anthony.

"Whats up Pey?"

"I uh..can we talk? Please?"

"Yeah baby meet me in front of our building okay?" 


I made my way to our building and sat on the steps. It was Autumn so it was a little chilly but i liked the weather so i was at home. As people walked by i was greeted with "Hey Pey!" or an "OH MY GOSH She is so pretty and lucky!" it felt like high school again! I hated it! Everyone wanted to be youre friend or all in your business. I thought i lost that with high school but i guess not.

I felt arms wrap around me and i snuggled into them. I missed this with Anthony.I missed were it just used to be us sitting by the lake close to our house. I just missed us. He planted kisses along my jaw and neck making me shiver under his touch.

"Hey baby.." He whispered in my ear resting his chin in the crook of my neck. I let my eyes drift closed and take in his scent.

"Hey..." I breath out in bliss. Well i was in bliss until i heard squeals come from the tree across from us. "Anthony...." i gave in a warning voice telling him to make them leave. I guess whatever he did worked because i heard a round of awes and shes so lucky to have him. Anthony picked me up and sat me in his lap leaning my back against the railing.

"Look Pey.. I wanna start over.Like no lies no nothing. Its just me and you! Like only us against the world..." I looked up at his face and my lip trembled. He swiped his thumb against my trembling lip and leaned down to plant a soft kiss onto them.

"Uhh Taylor and i kissed..." I blurted out. His features never moved. "Are you mad?" 

I watched him sigh and lean back. "How can i be?" he asks rubbing his face. "Shit you did less than me! But ma if we mad or something at each other we gotta talk it out. We cant be going around acting on broken feelings okay?" I nodded my head and laid my head back onto his shoulder. This should go smoothly. I was happy, my baby was happy, thats all that matters.

"Anthony fuck that im still in love with you!" So much for being in bliss...

Short Chapter i sorry...i had writers block.

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