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I've decided to end the book here. there nothing more that can go in in their lives that I haven't already said. But don't freight! I have another book im working on that already has some chapters going on. Its called Keep Up. Ill think about writing a book on the kids but its really far fetched. I do appreciate everyone who read my Series about Peyton from the beginning to end and im sad to see her story end. I hope you all follow me on my journey with my new book. Much Love


15 years Later

"Hunter! Brook Lyn! Bring yall asses down to the table and eat!" Anthony calls upstairs to the kids. I just laugh and shake my head as I continue to set the table. I told him not to send them up stairs but hey that's not my problem. I walk over to my baby in her respective seat. 

"Alice what would you like to eat?" Alice just turned five and she was the apple of Antony's eye, something the twins didn't like. Brook Lyn still had him in her grip but Alice was another story. Anything she wanted she got, and I mean anything.

"Hmmm" She put a finger on her head instead of her lip and looked around "CANDY!" I rolled my eyes and looked at Anthony. This was his fault. She never ate candy until he gave her some about six months ago. DAMN HIM!

"Anthony you fix it!" As he coaxed her out of her candy the twins came down the stair arguing, as always.

"Lyn Lyn shut up!"

"No this is your fault! Mom tell him!" I throw my hands up and sit in my chair by Alice. As they sit down they contine to argue. I rolled my eyes as I put chicken, peas, and yams on Alice's plate.

"Ew Mommy I don't want that!" she pointed to the peas and wrinkled up her nose. I swear she looked just like her Daddy.

"If you want candy you will eat that!" I scold her and fix Anthony's plate then mines. Mean while the twins are still fighting so Anthony smacks them upside their head.

"Thank you baby!" I giggle as he kisses me on the lips. I hear a round of ews and nastys from the kids. To be honest I loved being a mother. There is nothing in the world I could ask for than my family and my job. Speaking of a job, I now work at St. Vincent's and i'm the head nurse there.  About three years ago I went back to school and got my CRNA license. I thought I should go back to school since the kids were still young. I loved working the the preemie babies and nursing them back to health. It wasnt easy, especially getting emotionally attached to the kids, but its what I love to do.

The twins are in high school now and getting on my last nerve. Mom can I drive? or Daddy said I can go.. or Can I have..? You would think sending them to a school where they wear long t-shirts and track shorts they would ask for that. I mean I can go to Walmart and buy that no problem! But nooo they want every color vans or five pair of the same converse. HELL NO! I aint made of money!

Hunter was playing basketball and Brook Lyn was doing volleyball and cheerleading. For the to only be in the ninth grade they are very...popular. They're talking about throwing a double sweet 16. Im trying to figure out who is going to pay for this party they making plans for? Wont be me!

My little precious, has yet to be corrupted with public school Alice. I love this little girl. She was a preemie baby, making me have the desire to go back to school. Another reason why Anthony was so in love with her. We waited until the twins were almost ten to try to have another child. Although I was nothing but 36 I felt like I waited too long for another child. It was hard at first raising Alice when I was so used to the children doing for themselves but I learned. I'm just thankful my baby came out with everything functioning.

Anthony was a Dean at UAB now and is aging well, wink wink. You would think I would be tired of him but every day I fall deeper and deeper in love with him. He also opened his own mentoring center to help kids stay off the streets and not become like him. I admired him and his drive and dedication to whatever he was doing. It could be raising his kids to something as simple as cutting the grass.

All in all my life was more than I can ask for and I wouldn't change it for the world. A loving husband, three great kids, what more could I need?

Well you guys that was the end! I know I know yall wasnt ready *Kevin Hart voice* BUT i do have a new book im currently working on. So my writing never stops and you shouldnt stop reading! LOL! I love you all and wish you well!


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