CHAPTER 2: Company

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~~~Lovino's POV~~~
~~~Still at night club~~~

After I hurried over to the back room, I went to my office and plopped down in my chair. I felt so embarrassed after that damn Spaniard complimented me! Why did I get so flustered and red as a tomato?! Why and how does he make me feel like this?! What even is this feeling?! I let out a loud sigh and laid my head down on my desk. I groaned and looked over toward the clock. Still one f**king hour left until closing... I don't want to go back out there, see that Antonio guy and get all hot and red again! Maybe I can just chill in here for the rest of the time? No, I got tables to serve and clean... Wait, what am I talking about?! I'm the f**king boss!!! I can do what I want!!! I decided that I'd stay until closing time. As I was waiting for the hour to go by, Feli came into my office.

"Ve~ Fratello! What are-a you doing in-a here? There's some-a customers at your tables."

What do I tell him? That I can't go out there because of a guy? Of course I'd never tell him that, so I lied.

"I'm-a not feeling too well right now. Could-a you find one of the other guys to-a take my tables? Tell me who once you-a find one, so I can-a pay them extra for tonight."

"Okay... I-a hope you feel better soon, fratello..."

"Grazi, Feli." He nodded and set off to find someone to take my place. I felt kinda bad lying to him, but I didn't want to experience that weird feeling again. I sighed and decided since I was here, I might as well fill out some paper work.

Soon closing time had passed, so I might as well go out to help clean up. I stepped out of my office to find the club completely empty. I was very confused. I've never seen the club get cleaned that fast and everybody gone. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that almost three hours had passed since the club closed. That explains why everyone's gone and it's all cleaned... I brushed my hand through my hair and looked around to see if a dish was left or something. As I was searching around, I saw a shoe under one of the tables. It was black, so it'd be easy to miss. I walked over to pick it up and throw it away, but froze when I saw that it was still attached to a person. Okay, I get missing the shoe, but not noticing an entire person is just ridiculous!!! I leaned over to grab the person's arm to find that they were quite heavy. "Just great... How am I going to get them out of here now..? Sh*t..." I pulled with all my strength and succeeded in getting them out from under the table. After I laid him down on his back to see him better, I recognized who it was instantly. "You've got to-a be f**king kidding me!!!" I whispered furiously as I face palmed myself and sighed. " f**k... Well, I can't-a just leave him here... Uhhhaaahhhhh!!!!" I silently cursed under my breath as I picked him up and carried him on my back, blushing like a mad man. Still so damn heavy! I carried him through the back room to a door that lead up to my house above the club. Only problem getting up there is... There are f**king stairs... "Well, here we go..."

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