Chapter 1

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Liz Point of View

Tears stream down my face. My heart aches. He doesn't know how much I need him and love him. I urn for his beautiful plump lips on mine. I can imagine how they would perfectly fit together. He's too busy searching for the love of his life, that he's too blind to see that I'm right here. I can remember the days I prayed he would notice me.


I watched as he talks with his brothers. I sit in the back corner of the cafeteria, alone. I watch as his eyes land on girls passing by. Why won't he notice me? He smiles at this one girl that scowls at him. How dare she scowl at him?!? He's perfect! His eyes. His hair. His smile. Everything about him makes me fall deeply in love with him each day. His light brown eyes meet mine. My eyes get big. I look down at my hands and start blushing. I look back up and see that him and his brothers are making their way towards me. Butterflies enter my stomach. My hands start sweating. I can barely breathe. They sit down and smile at me. 

"Hi." Jai smiles at me.

THE Jai Domenic Brooks just said hi to me! Well, don't be an idiot! Say hi back!

"Um h-h-hi." I stammer.

"I'm Jai and these are my brothers, Luke and Beau." he replies.

"I'm Elizabeth but, call me Liz." I whisper.

"Ah, we have a shy one here." Luke grins at me.

"We'll have to change that." Beau winks at me.

Jai smirks at me. My heart jumps out of my heart. He noticed me! I'm sitting with the Brooks Brothers. 


Sobs racked my my frail body. He has now clue how the little things he does, have the biggest effect on me. Like when he holds my hand, my legs get weak and my heart beats quicker. Or when he kisses me on the cheek, butterflies thrash around in my stomach. Or even when he looks my in the eyes, my whole body melts at his gaze. My thought are interupted by my phone buzzing.

From: Jai <3

hey bebz wanna come over and hang ???

To: Jai <3

sure omw 

I get up and wipe away my tears. I pick out a cute outfit and take a shower. I get out and wash my face, brush my teeth, dry my hair, straighten it, and put on some makeup. I put on some clothes and spray on some perfume. I grab my bag and phone and head out the door. The Brooks' house is 4 houses away from mine so I jus walk there. I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. Jai opens the door and smiles at me. My heart flutters. He gives me a hug, before pulling me in. 

"Boys! LIzzie's here!" Jai yells. 

I hear booming  footsteps. Uh-oh! Here comes the idiots. 

"LIZZIE!" they scream. 

They both pull me into a big bear hug. Jai pulls my away and wraps an arm around my waist.

"Back off mates, she's mine." Jai smirks at me.

My heart rate picks up and my legs get weaker.

"Um Liz are you okay?" Beau asks me.

"You like you're about to throw up." Luke adds.

"Um y-yeah. Just fine." I smile nervously.

I can see they don't believe but, they shake it off.

"Hey boys do you mind if Anna comes over?" Jai asks the boys.

My body tenses at her name. Anna. Anna St. Claire aka Jai's girlfriend aka school slag. Jai stares at me weirdly. I just give him a small uneasy smile.

"Um sure." Beau replies.

"Why don't you ask Liz?" Luke suggests staring at me.

I gulp.

"Um n-no I don't mind." I lie.

Of course I mind! When Anna's around, it's like Jai doesn't know I exist. I hold back the tears that threaten to come out. I just hate her so much! She's doesn't deserve Jai! I do! My fists ball up.

"Are you sure you're okay with Anna coming over?" Beau asks me.

"I said yes." I snap. 

I cross my arms and sit down on the couch. Jai sits next to me. He snakes an arm around my waist and pulls me closer. 

"If you don't want Anna to come over, I won't invite her." Jai whispers in my ear. 

"I said I'm fine!" I say as I brush him off. 

I can tell I hurt him but, I look away from him. Why can't  he see that I'm in love with him? Is he that stupid? He's not stupid. He's just...slow. My thought were interupted by the doorbell. I clench my jaw. I hear her horrible voice. I ball my fists and shut my eyes tightly. I hate her and her clown face. Why can't she just disappear? I open my eyes and see Beau and Luke smirking at me. 

"JaiBoo why is she here?" Anna whines.

Anger gurgle inside of me. 

"Um I don't know. She just showed up." Jai lies.

I can't believe him! Tears sting my eyes. I hate him. Haha stupid Liz! You know you love him. Tears roll down my face. 

"Actually, I invited her because, Liz is my girlfriend." Luke blurts out.

Before Jai could say anything, Luke picks me up and takes me to his room. He throws me on his bed and lays next to me. 

"Are you okay?" Luke asks me.

"Yes." I choke out.

"No you're not, Lizzie." he whipers softly.

"I know." I sob.


Author's Note:

In the external link is Liz's outfit and on the side is the beautiful Jai brooks. Please vote/comment/fan!

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