Chapter 1 - Prologue

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Hey guys! I'm back after my long, long, long break. And I know that I said that I would update during my winter break but I was "busy".  But it is a new year so one of my New Years resolution is that I update weekly. And even though I have a busy schedule, I will try to update weekly. Also there's a picture of Jonathan above. So without further-a-do, let's get started with Chapter 1, enjoy!

Jonathan's POV
   Ugh I hated the fact that school was starting on Monday. I mean I liked school but quite disliked it as well. And don't even get me started on the amounts  of homework the teachers assigned.

   I only had 2 days left till my living nightmare came to life. But now I had to focus on other important things than living nightmares. But seriously, who goes back to school without a "makeover"? I know a lot of people do but I don't.

  So as I walked over to the barbershop with my friend Josh. Josh was my best friend ever since kindergarten and honestly I don't know what I would've done with out that chump. But more talking about makeovers and less about Josh.

"Dude are you actually being serious about this whole 'makeover' thing? I mean seriously, getting a haircut isn't a 'makeover' type of thing." Josh said as we walked into the barbershop. "Josh we've been over this billions of times! I want people to see this new me. After all it is a new year so why not a new me?" I said as I checked into the barbershop's computer system. "All right then just saying but whatever cause you're waiting your own money and not mine." Josh said in a annoyed mood.

"Jonathan Johnson?" The lady called " Please come and take a seat on the chair" "See ya loser" I said as I stood up and went to go sit in the seat. "Okay so just be patient and we'll be done in no time" the lady said as she started to cut clutches of my hair off. "Alright thanks" I said as I watched her cut my hair from looking in the mirror in front of me. I closed my eyes so I could be surprised and just waited.

Moments later the lady told to open my eyes and I could feel myself smile. I was moments away from seeing my new style. I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes widened once I saw my new haircut.

"Oh... My... Gosh... I love it!" I told the lady. "I love it so much! Thank you so much!" The lady smiled as she heard me say that. "You're very welcome hun, just make sure to condition it every once in a while and you'll be stunning!" She said in warm smile.

I got up and went to the cashier. I paid my cut and told the cashier to give the lady who did my haircut a $20 tip. I gave her the extra $20 and went back to Josh.

Josh was on his phone and he probably sensed that I was coming because he turned off his phone and put it away. "Woah... Dude.... No homo but you look hot" he said in shock. " I know, I'm perfect" I said while jokingly smirking. "Now let's get out of here because I want to go home and chill." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Okay just let me get my car ready an-" "Josh I was joking! Gosh sometimes you really are a retard!" I said while snaking my forehead. "Well sorry geez, I thought you were being serious!" He said while sounding offended. "Sorry bro but you gotta learn to know what's sarcasm. But now let's go to McDonald's and order something" "Okay sure! I'm actually kinda hungry!" Josh said while sounding excited.

Moments later Josh and I arrived at McDonald's. I opened the restaurant door and I could already smell the delicious smell of fries. I honestly loved fries but didn't eat them that often. "Mmm... Fries..." Josh said while sniffing the smell of fries. We went up to the counter and I ordered my meal, which contained: small fries, mcsandwich, and 4 peace chicken nuggets, along with a strawberry milkshake. I was surprised because I order a lot of unhealthy things but I'm still skinny as a twig. Well not that skinny because I worked out and now I'm somewhat strong.

After Josh ordered his meal, my order was ready so I picked it up and then I went a picked a table in the corner. I sat down and a few seconds later, Josh came and sat down.

"So, how's classes with this Charlie kid you're always talking about?" Josh said as he ate with a full mouth. "It's going great" I sighed in relief. "Nice, but what about the bullies that pick on you? What are you planning to do?" Josh said in concern. "Well my dear friend, this is why I got this cool style, and the fact that Charlie will actually notice me is going to an 8/10" I said while finishing my meal and milkshake.

"Ah.... Well good luck bro I mean it" Josh said while finishing his meal. "Thanks Josh you're the best" I said as I threw mine and Josh's trash away. Josh got up and we left the restaurant. We got into Josh's car and drove back to his house.

I was spending the night at Josh's so I guess we were going to have lots of fun. When we arrived at Josh's place, I got out of the car, while Josh did the same and locked his car. I walked up to the porch and waited for Josh to open the front door.

We walked into the house and took off our shoes. We went downstairs and turned on the flat screen tv. "So watcha wanna do?" Josh said. "Well... Wanna watch horror movies?" I said excitedly. "Sure sounds like fun!" Josh said excitedly as well. Josh turned on Netflix and searched up Paranormal Activity 3. He put the movie on and while he was getting the sleeping bags ready, I went upstairs and cooked popcorn. Minutes past and I was back downstairs with two bowls of popcorn. I handed one bowl to Josh and he said "Thanks brosef" I nodded and smiled slightly in response. The movie started and moments later the lights were off, the popcorn was all gone, and Josh was asleep and the movie wasn't even finished. Well I couldn't blame the guy, after all he did stay up all night yesterday while I was sleeping. My eyelids were getting heavier as my vision went blurry. As soon as it was pitch black, I noticed that I fell asleep too.

Hey guys did you enjoy my first chapter? If so then stay tuned for next week's new chapter! Anyways don't forget to comment, vote, and add this story into your library.

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