Chapter 7: Goodnight

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Chapter 7: Goodnight

"Whoa whoa whoa why is this only about Niall and me? Huh?" I looked outside the kitchen window, which had a view of the garden and the sky. And let me tell you there were stars shining bright outside. "I'm pretty sure that the meet and greet does not last this late." I raised my eyebrow at all of them. First Erica because she is the oldest, then Celia because she was the the most mature out of the three, but my stare stayed longer on Sofi because I knew that she had something to do with the reason that they were all so late.

She looked all fidgety under my stare. "Umm well..."

"Oh my god, Sofi, just tell Yasmeen already." Erica said annoyed.

"Ok ok geesh well we were talking with One Direction but then I said I was hungry, and Harry said he will take us to eat. We went to McDonald's; Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Erica, Celia and me. We lost track of time joking around and talking..." she trailed off.

I knew she wanted to say more but she kept glancing at Niall and I could tell she really didn't want to talk about it with a boy around.

"Umm Niall I don't think your management is going to be happy if you get sick." I say trying to change the subject so Sofi won't feel awkward.

"Oh they won't mind we're on break right now." I gave him a look and he caught my draft. "Oh ok. Do you guys have clothes that can fit me?"

"You could borrow my clothes," Erica said.

"No," I shook my head, "Niall you can borrow my brother's clothes."

He had a look of relief knowing he didn't have to wear my sisters clothes. I got up from my seat and grabbed Niall by the wrist. I started to lead him down the hall to the hall's closet where we store all of my brother's clothes. We reached the closet. I opened the door and grabbed a pair of dark blue sweats and a purple T-shirt.

"I approve." he smirked. I giggled at his outburst.

"Come on Mr. Irish the bathroom is right there." I pointed to the door at the right of us.

"Hahahah thanks Yasmeen." he smiled and gave me a quick hug. And let me tell you it was amazing. As soon as he hugged me he released me. He then walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I made my way to my room. I grabbed my purple pajamas. What can I say I really love purple. I went to change in my bathroom. Silently thanking god I had my own bathroom.

When I was done changing I made my way to the kitchen. On my way here I noticed the hall bathroom door closed, so Niall must still be changing. I walked into the kitchen. My sisters were talking and Sofi had a dreamy expression. I could not wait to hear the story.

"So Sofi about what happened... What happened?!? Tell me everything!" I exclaimed excitedly. I knew something must have happened by he way that she was blushing and the dreamy expression on her face. I wanted to know what was making my best friend so happy. I grabbed the mop and started drying the floor.

"Well Harry took us to McDonald's. He was being so nice especially towards me. He was acting like we were in a fancy restaurant. He pulled my chair so I could sit and complimented me on my clothes." with that she looked down at her white shirt with the 1D logo on it and her pink flowery skirt. "He then sat in front of me. We were talking and we had everything in common. He told me a couple of jokes, they were cheesy but the way he said them made me laugh." she smiled. "We then saw what time it was. He paid for all of us. When Celia, Erica, and I were making our way to the car, he said he wanted to talk to me. He... He..."

"He what?!?" oh come on Sofi, I thought. I really wanted to know what he had told her.

"He asked me to go out with him, that he would call or text me." she was deep in thought probably remembering the scene.

"WHAT?!? When did you give him your number?" I asked.  

"Hahahah he gave me saved his number to my phone and then sent himself a text to get mine. It wasn't that long after you left."

"What. Oh my goodness!!!" I was flabbergasted. Why wasn't she freaking out?

"This has been a really amazing dream." she said. Ohh that's why she wasn't freaking out. I mentally faced palm myself.

"Smart one, this ain't no dream. Harry really did ask you out, you did meet One Direction, and Niall Horan is spending the night here." As if on cue Niall walked in.

"Did someone say my name?" he asked.

"Wait for reals this is not a dream?"

"Hahahah nope Sofi it's all real." I replied amused.

"OhmygodHarryStylesaskedmeout." I could barely make out what she said. "Umm I got to go. I gotta think." she bid everyone goodbye. She hugged us all even Niall and walked out without another word. I'm not going to lie I heard her screaming 'oh my god I got a freakin Horan hug' and 'Harry Styles asked me out' the moment she closed the door.

We all laughed.

"Yasmeen do you need help?" I didn't answer but he grabbed a towel next to the sink and started to wipe the appliances.

" When you guys are done cleaning would you care to watch a movie with us?" Celia asked Niall and me.

I looked at Niall, " Yeah, sure." he responded. I looked back at my sisters an nodded.

They went into the living room.


Niall and I sat on one of the love couches since both my sisters were sprawled out on the big couch. The movie hadn't even started and they were already knocked out. Celia had her mouth open, slightly snoring. Erica was muttering something in her sleep. I didn't want to bother them so I'll just let them sleep, I'll wake them after the movie is over.

My sisters had put one of my favorite movies ever... Avengers!!!

"Oh my goodness I freakin love this movie!" I exclaimed happily.

"Hahahah can I get popco-" I put my hand over his mouth and shushed him. "It's just starting geesh hahahah. Can I at least make some?" he mumbled against my hand.

I slightly look at him not wanting to miss the part were Loki teleports himself to Earth. "Umm yeah the popcorn is on the shelf on top of the microwave." I respond. He gets up and walks to the kitchen. I start hearing the pop pop pop of the popcorn. Not long until Niall came, put his popcorn bag on the table, and stood in front of the tv blocking my view of the movie.

"No!!! Please stop!!!" I say trying to see around him, but he just wouldn't budge from his spot in front of my tv. I had to stop him somehow I can't just let him block my view. I did the one thing that would get him to stop. I grabbed the popcorn from the table, and opened it up. He watched as I opened the bag to let vapour out. I breathed in. "Mmm smells delicious," I smirked, "we wouldn't want these to go to waste do we?" I laughed jokingly. His face turned all mortified but I knew he realised I was just joking with him.

"No anything but the popcorn," he said in mocked misery.

"Say 'Yasmeen is the coolest person I've ever met ever' and sit down and let me enjoy the movie."

He did as I told him. I just laughed and he joined in. I really loved his laugh it was like no other laugh I've heard before. His was truly original.

I put my back on his shoulder and watched the movie. We ate popcorn and had a couple of comments on the movie. This movie was brilliant. I didn't notice that I had drifted to sleep with my head resting on his shoulder. I faintly heard Niall say "Goodnight, Yasmeen,"


a/n Hello lovely people :) hope you enjoyed this chapter :) 

I was thinking if I get at least 5 votes on this chapter I'll make personalised imagines if u ask for one :) it could be about anything ;) so get voting :) I love yah all

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