Chapter 1

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"Please can all people planning on traveling on the 8:11am plane to Dublin please make their way to gate 14 now. Safety and security..." the announcer droned on as Lily looked at her watch excitedly, only one hour until she would get to see her adorable cousins. Her Brother Ben trailed behind looking nervously around himself, he hated flying, as Lily and her mum marched ahead looking for gate 14.

Once on the plane, Lily plugged her headphones into her new Iphone and began to listen to Justin Beibers new song 'what do you mean', Lily had began to become a fan of him recently. She then clicked her favorite playlist and let the music wash over her.

She was absorbed in her music when she felt a constant prodding in her arm. She twisted her head around angrily, and was met with a pale face burning her eyes. "Lily, Lily, Lily, i love you, were all going to die. I KNEW FLYING WAS A BAD IDEA!" screeched Ben, she could see the fear in his eyes. She had no chance to reply; a oxygen mask had smothered her mouth and she didn't even know what was happening. She gripped Ben's hand tightly, and stroked it, it was the only way she could portray affection. Then a thought struck her, her mum was in the toilet.

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