Chapter 3

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"Ben, Ben" shouted Lily, as soon as she moved her lips she was greeted with hasty talking above her, she clicked open her eyes and was greeted with worried faces staring down on her, "where am I?" She questioned looking expectantly around herself. A Councillor went to the side of the bed where Lily was lying and said "Lily you have been in a serious accident, we need to talk, but only when you feel ready of course." She had so many questions she was dying to ask but as she began to speak she was hushed and the nurse told her privacy was needed. "Can my mum come?" asks Lily and the Councillor replies "that's what we need to talk about"  with a weird expression on her face.

"Lily, the plane you were traveling on crashed and sadly everyone on board passed, except you...and yes that does include your family, I'm awfully sorry". A horrified expression covered Lily's face as the Councillor said this, she was lost for her words, her precious brother, her delightful mum, gone...forever. "You were extremely lucky however, you will never walk again but at least your here" the Councillor told her. "But I wish I was dead, I should be dead" cried Lily, just as she said this a stuck up women knocked on the door, and a nurse introduced her as 'The social worker: Ms. White' "I don't need a social worker, thanks, I have a dad but he was traveling by train" announced Lily to the room of worried eyes. The Councillor opened her mouth and said in great shame"Lily I'm deeply sorry but when your dad heard about the crash and at the time the press were saying everyone was dead and he assumed that you had gone to and he committed suicide". A sharp pang like nothing before hit Lily, she shrank down, she so wished he had waited, she felt a combination of deep sorrow although anger began to rise up her body.

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