Allisons Wake

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It was just a normal day in Beacon Hills. Scott was trying to help, Stiles was feeling down. Theo trying to manipulate them all, Malia searching for the desert wolf and Lydia, losing her mind.

In the middle of the night. Down by Allison's grave there was a man, all in black. His hood was up. You couldn't see his face. He was small and skinny, walked like an old man without his walking stick. A large black bag over his shoulder. He had long wrinkled fingers, but hidden by black leather gloves. He dragged his hands over every grave stone in which he passed. As he got closer and closer to Allison's grave stone the straighter he stood, the faster he walked.

The man in black got to her grave and stood staring at it. After a few minutes of staring and clenching his fist, he finally dropped his bag and zipped it open. He took out a large spade, and started digging at the soft mud around Alli's grave, layer after layer.

10 minutes had passed he was still digging. 25 minutes. Then 45minutes and he hit a hard rock like object at the bottom. He jumped into the ditch where he'd been digging for 45 minutes. Wiping off any more mud on the coffin and read the name written. 'Allison Argent
A smile traveled across his face, from ear to ear. His hand reached into his pocket, and back out with a tube of venom. The man in black opened her coffin, and opened her mouth and poured the venom into her mouth.

The sun was beginning to show and this needed to be done before he was caught. He waited a minute or two. Nothing happened. He jumped out of the ditch and threw his spade across the grave yard and yelling "Whyyy! You were meant to be the one!" He screamed whilst putting his head in his hands. He turned around and there she was Allison Argent alive again...

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