A Date..., Huh.

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Your POV
   'Why did I do that?' I thought as I plopped myself onto my couch. I flipped through the TV channels. Absolutely NOTHING was on. I groaned. I was so BORED!! Jin kept flashing through my mind. I kissed him. On, the lips... He probably hates me right now. I mean, I like him, A-LOT. But I don't want to ruin our friendship, and I'm pretty sure that I just did that. Does he even like me back? Oh how should I know? I face-palmed. Maybe I should t-text him? I went on my phone.
(Y=You, J=Jin)
Y- Umm... Hey.
J- Oh hey N/N!
Y- You don't mind?
J- Mind what?
Y- What I did earlier?
J- Oh, that...
Y- I get it if you don't want to talk to me but...
   *Ding Dong*
   I ran to the door and opened it. There stood Jin, smiling in a caring way. I started to tear up. The reason? I don't exactly know.
   "Sssshhh...... It's alright, it's alright...," he whispered, allowing me to sob into his shoulder. I calmed down, and he wiped my tears away. He put a hand on my cheek, pulling me in for a quick passionate kiss.
   "Feel better?" Jin asked. I sniffled quietly.
   "Yeah," I finally answered.
   "Good, 'cause I wanted to ask you something...," he smiled.
   "Yes?" I questioned. He paused.
   "......D-do you want t-to go on a-uh d-date with me?" Jin managed. My eyes widened, and I started crying tears of joy. Jin noticed and said,"I-if you d-don't w-want to th-that's fine..." in a disappointed manner.
   "No Jin! I would LOVE to!" I giggled, still crying out my joy.
   "Well then," he chuckled,"Now we don't have to have the blush-fest of the century!" I giggled, kissing him.
   "Hey Jin?" I wondered.
   "Yeah?" he answered.
   "Can we keep it a secret for a little bit? So we feel a little more comfortable dating?" I asked him. He kissed me again.
   "Of course." he said simply. Boys can be very confusing until you figure them out, then they become even more confusing.

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