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Me: hey g-
Kevin: doy deeeee dum.......
R: why is he acting so weird!!?!!
Kevin: you pretty!
R: blushes! Uhhhhhh....... Well that's actually normal!!
Kevin: I like apple juice! Grabs r and pulls her into a kiss.
R: KEVIN! Slaps him!
Kevin: OW! I was just doing the dare you gave me!
Andy : yeah, chill ruby! And also I have a dare for us to have a girls night out and boys night out!
R: fine! Let's do our girls night out thing!
Shope: girl who out!
Jenny: ooh! Can Shope come! Starts to jump up and down clapping!
Me: sure! But first...... Snaps her fingers and we're all in dresses and bows and high heels! I'm in a blue dress in a and bow and heels!
Jenny: in a red dress bow and heels! Wow! Eeeeeeee! I'm in a dress!
Andy: in green! Don't just....... You know what? What the heck! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
R: in black! But still has her finger gloves and braces!ok, I'm just going to say it! We look awesome!
Shope: in purple! So what are we gonna do?
Me: go out to dinner! Dance at a club! Play truth or dare at the sleepover Jenny has planned! Let's go girls! After we leave!
Aidan: there gone! Boys time! Let's start! Reads Andy's diary!
Max: starts to read mine! Man! Why is there barely any thing!?!? Only don't read, I like pie, and if you read this I will chase you with my foam chain saw! Gulps!
Jack: same! But her says I will taper you!
Aidan: I while pepper spray you!
Aidan jack and Max: dreamy sighs! Now that's our girls!
Tyler and Kevin: what are you doing!?
Max: huh! Oh..... Uhhhhhh...... Reading the girls diary!
Kevin: cool! Can I read r's!
Roach: and can I read rei's I always wondered what a girl thinks!
Aidan: sure!
Max: ooh look, it's Shope's!
Tyler: .......... Maybe a quick- no! I'm out! Also Max, they used invisible ink!
Max: THANKS! Starts to read it! What the what!
Aidan: is reading Andy's! NO WAY!
Jack: is reading Jenny's! YOU GOT TO BE Kidding me!
Max: she's-
Aidan: -part-
Jack: -ani-
Kevin: -mal!
Roach: and have super powers!
Max: that is so awesome! Maddy's part zebra!
Aidan: Andy's part fox!
Jack: and Jenny's part deer!
Kevin: R is part wolf?! Awesome! High fives each other! Let's keep on reading!
Tyler: takes all the diary  sand lock them in a cabinet! Not happening! Let's just party!
Max: ok! I know just what to do!
Five minutes later!
People: chug chug chug chug!
Max: done!
People: go! Go! Go! Go!
Aidan: dancing with swag! This rocks!
Jack: is playing pocket! I win!
People: awwwwwww!
Kevin: is swimming in a hot tub with roach! Boys night out! Boys night out! Duhhhhhhhhh! Starts to disco!
Tyler: just watching us party while eating cake! They do know the girls watch the security cameras in the morning, right?
Camera dude: don't know, but don't tell them that! This will be fun!
Me: so girls were at the restaurant! It's on me, so what do you want!
Andy: chocolate cake!
Jenny: gummy bears!
Me and everyone else: NO!!!!
Jenny: awwwwwwww!
Me: FINE! But if we all go gummy bear crazy it's your fault!
Jenny: I can live with that.
Five minutes later!
Jenny: can't stand still! GUMMY BEARS!
Andy: is dancing while chugging down fanta! Woo!
Me: par-Tay! Woo! Swinging on the disco ball!
Rei: dancing while a bunch of boys drool over her! Hey boys!
Shope: are things usually this crazy?
R: no, maybe once or twice a week!
Shope: looks scared! And you can deal with this?
R: it's easy, just join them! Starts to dance crazy good while singing shut up and dance with me!
Shope: aw what the heck! Starts to jump up and down pumping her fist!
Me: in my pjs! Ok, Andy truth or dare?!
Andy: DARE!
Me: I dare you to kiss Aidan when we get back!
Girls: ooh!
Andy: is blushing! Fine, r truth or dare?
R: truth! I do not need to be chased by a foam chain saw, tazer, and pepper spray tonight!
Andy: on a scale of 1 to 10, how cute is Kevin?!
R: blushes! 8.4......
Everyone:  huh? ewwwwwww! Wait, Awwwwwwww!
R: zip it! You tell him and even your foam weapons can't defend you from me!
Girls: gulp!
R: hmmmmm....Jenny truth or dare?
Jenny: IM A GUMMY BEAR! Jumps up and down!
R: okkkkkkkk....... I'm gonna take that as a dare so I dare you to sing a song about jack!
Jenny: I'm a gummy bear! He's my gummy bear, he's a cute, athletic funny, and awesome looking my gummy bear! Death glares us! AND HE'S MINE!
Everyone: looks scared! Ok! ok!
Jenny: smiles and jumps up and down! Maddy, truth or dare?!
Me: dare duh! Yolo girl!
Jenny: when we get back read a poem about how much you love Max!
Me: WHAT! Blushes madly!
Girls: laugh! Do it! do it!
Me: ugh, fine! Grins! Shope, truth or dare?!
Shope: truth!
Me: have you ever read a tyshope fan fic?!
Shope: ...... Blushes and her eyes go wide! Maybe..........
Me: I KNEW IT! I won the bet! Andy pay up!
Andy: dang! Pays me ten bucks!
Shope: rei! Truth or dare!
Rei: dare!
Shope: I dare you to wear a bikini in front of the boys!
Everyone: ohhhhhhh!
Rei: fine!
Me: let's head back!
Me: this place is a mess- omg! Look! A huge pile of money on my poker table! Sweet! Takes all the money Jack earned! Wait, WHERES OUR DIARY'S!?!
Tyler: I know where they are, but first..... Stares at Rei! What's going on?
Rei: it was a dare!
Tyler: oh, cool, also the boys read them! So to make them stop I locked them in a cabinet! They read a few pages of everyone's but Shope since I didn't read hers!
Shope: thanks Tyler! Kisses him!
Tyler: and they through an awesome party and that they will probably not remember!
Me: I'm so gonna kill them! But first! Draws on there faces and makes it look like there cuddling! Opportunities like this don't happen once a day! Takes pictures! Ha! Ok! Now let's get them! We beat up everyone but Tyler!
Max: OW!
Aidan: make it sto- is silenced by Andy kissing him! Then she breaks it apart and tasers him! Ow!
Jack: gets pepper sprayed! Ahhhhhh! Can't see!
R: your turn Kevin! Hits him with her samurai sword in the spot!
Kevin: mommy! Falls to the ground!
Roach: what's your weapon?
Rei: this! Presses a button and explodes roach!
Me: that was fun!
R: ahem! Maddy!
Me: oh right! Ahem, you are cute, and funny.
I a till remember the times you called me sunny!
You are and numbskull but that's what I like about you, there's nothing that can stop us when it's just us two!
Your the only boy who doesn't care if I'm insane! You love me fore me, and makes me cry so much of joy I can make it rain!
You are a really Catch that makes life never ever dull! You are a numbskull but your my numbskull! Max!
There I did the dare! Also! Erases every boys memory but Tyler's! You can keep yours but only so you can move the boys to there bed!
Tyler: sigh.
Shope: come on, there's no time to waste I'll help! Holds his hand as they drag the boys!
R: well, please -
Andy: ask or -
Jenny: dare us!
Rei: and don't forget about the host job!
Me: Peace out!

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